Museum of the art of woodcarving Photo: Museum of the art of woodcarving

The carved art Museum is in the old Daskalova house in Tryavna, as it was here that Trevnenska school of arts is the oldest in Bulgaria. She was born on the border of the 17th and 18th centuries and developed in areas such as construction, painting and woodcarving. One of these crafts – wood carving – and dedicated the Museum in Daskalova house, similar museums in Bulgaria no.

The building was built in 1804-1808 G. trevaskis merchant Hristo Daskalov for sons. House with inherent at the time, rich finish can be called an example of architecture from the revival period in Bulgaria. Two of the sun, depicted on the wooden ceilings of the rooms, are among the most famous exhibits of the Museum. Cut them craftsmen – Dimiter Osanic and his student Ivan Bockover, in 1808, they had a bet about who will cut out the sun on the ceiling prettier and better.

Here are the basic ranges of woodcarving: the simplest, the so-called shepherd's thread, for home decoration, and the hardest but the most beautiful Church thread. Shepherd's thread is a geometric shape, notch shallow, decorated mostly household items such as spoons, spinning wheels, snuff and salt. Original candlestick, which is designed for travel, can truly be called one of the most unusual exhibits in the Museum.

In most of the houses in Tryavna, traditionally dated samples of different threads, for example, on household items, doors, pillars and shrines. Traditionally, each family had its own home iconostasis, so the Museum presents various samples of iconography worked Trevnenska carvers. In addition, the Museum is a workshop on carved art, which shows the different carvers tools and ways of working wood.

The attention of visitors the Museum attracts and also collection of works by the original master Gencho Marangozov. This wooden sculptures and carved art depicting khans and tsars of Bulgaria, as well as the bas-reliefs with images of famous figures of the Renaissance period, made by order of a wealthy breeder from Sofia Abram Cholovskogo.

In addition, in the Museum's collection and included various interesting items that reflect the history of the city.

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