The Tula circus Photo: Tula circus

The Tula circus is one of the oldest, located on the territory of the Russian Federation. Until, as was the formation of the circus in Tula, there were several sites that had been performances of jugglers, clowns and acrobats. Earlier in the Kiev street was the building in which for several years was made by the talented brothers Truzzi, the team which toured throughout Europe. In 1909 the circus Truzzi was dissolved, and a year later one of the members of the company bought the building from one of the brothers – from this moment in the building of the circus started to flourish in the martial arts.

In the city there was another circus, which was located on Legation street (later Soviet street) and who later became famous Tula circus. At that time the building had a rounded shape and only one floor. Its dome stood on six built of wood poles. Just the room was 860 seats, but could fit more people. In the circus there was not even the usual hangers, so the audience had to keep things on hand. For the needs of the circus was filmed the room in which artists could fully prepare for the upcoming performance.

At the end of 1920-ies the Tula circus was headed by the new Director – Gamsakhurdia Roman Sergeevich, who became famous as an outstanding leader in the field of circus arts. Since 1882, he began touring with his troupe in Europe.

Before the great Patriotic war the Tula circus actively functioned, worked here the famous animal trainer Vladimir Durov and Alexander Menaker and Maria Mironova. The Director at this time was Alexander Walter, who perfectly knew how to make the presentation exciting and fun. Here there was a tradition in the breaks between shows to produce on stage "red" clown, whose face was painted white and pink colors. Usually in the second act on stage seemed more complex rooms, which were the names of the rides. His skills showed tamers and tigers, lions, bears, Panthers. Often performed as a magician. Each presentation was followed by loud applause. In Tula gathered a lot of people in order to match the skill and strength with professional wrestlers. Such martial arts flocked by huge number of people.

As soon as the outbreak of the Great Patriotic war, the Director of the circus was banished, because he was a German by nationality. Circus troupe performed in front of the red army, but the Director was able to return to their activities only after many years.

In December 1949 the circus building was engulfed in a terrible fire; the fire flared up so much that the smoke was visible even on the outskirts of town – building and failed to save. The fire died and the animals.

A new project on the construction of the circus building was designed in 1962 by architect Borisov Ivan Ivanovich. A year later, almost all work has been completed by the end approached the installation of the stage. It is important to note that this circus was used a special screw lift, never previously used, which allowed for the room even on the water. The dome of the building was made of reinforced concrete; the circus was the largest in the USSR. When the circus was made automatic sprinkler system, which involves the installation of two hundred sensors that connected to the extinguishing devices. Before construction was completed, a new Director was appointed Dmitry Kalmykov I., who had distinguished himself as a courageous and visionary leader. In the autumn of 1963 in the circus was supplied to the first view.

Recently Tula circus was closed for renovation, during which the arena was completely mechanized; was updated interior and the dome of the circus, and on the walls there was a marble-faced walls and lots of mirrors.

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