Konakovo local history Museum Photo: Konakovo local history Museum

Konakovo local history Museum was founded in may 1979, the Museum was allocated a one bedroom apartment on Energetikov. Set up a Museum of pensioners enthusiasts. The Council of the Museum through street committees appealed to the population of Konakovo with the request for transfer to the Museum of interest to the history of utensils, tools, clothes, Handicrafts.

In 1982 in Konakovo came D. V. Trubin, who had the experience of Museum work. Since that time the Museum has picked up noticeably. Trubin went around the neighborhood, taking pictures of the sights and then made large-format photographs. Photos attractions Konakovsky district was organized the exhibition.

In 1984 the Museum was opened. The Museum has also been updated with material from the flooded Ivankovo reservoir of the city Korchev. With the direct participation of the residents of the former Korcheva was made schematic map of the streets and urban Korcheva. Now Korchev in the Museum devoted a separate section, the exhibits tell about its history, from the first mention until its flooding.

The Museum was allocated a separate room, and in 1988 he was awarded the status of folk. It was then decided to convert it into a branch of Tver (then Kalinin) United Museum.

Exposure Konakovo local history Museum tells the history of this region since its settlement by the people. It opens with a section on the natural resources of the region, its physical and geographical characteristics, it provides information on its major natural objects and colorful map of the area with samples of minerals and soils, photos, protected areas and landscapes.

The bronze age is represented by finds of Fatyanovo culture in Turgenevskom the burial, among them pottery, stone axes, flint tools and weapons. The culture in the times of Ancient Russia and the middle ages describes archaeological investigations burial mounds of Zagorje, Zabora, Lennikov and other villages. Household items, tools, iron, bronze, bone, glass ornaments tell about the activities of the local people and help to restore men's and women's suits, elements of the spiritual life, including the features of the burial rite. Also interesting are the archaeological finds from the ancient city of Vertina (now the village of Gorodnya).

The development of these places in the period of late feudalism tell copies of unique documents (the originals are kept in the Central archives of the country), portraits and books associated with prominent people of that time. The exhibition presents travel map of Catherine II on the Volga river on which the village was first mentioned Korchev. Here you can also see the items was, copies of medallions Earl F. Tolstoy, faience factory Auerbach.

The exhibition, which is dedicated to the period of capitalism, presents objects of peasant life and tools of the second half of 19th-early 20th centuries are displayed in the Museum documents, portraits, letters are evidence of connection with the edge of A. D. Menshikov, Dekabristov Yakushkin, I. J. and stout, J. N., poets A. I. Polezhaev, Shishkova I. A. and others.

The Museum also contains materials about the construction of the Ivankovo reservoir.

The exposition of Karacharovo tells about the artist G. G. Gagarin

The Museum has about 10 thousand units. He constantly holds various exhibitions and participated in numerous festivals.

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