The Church of the Epiphany in the village of Interpreters Photo: the Church of the Epiphany in the village of Interpreters

The Church of the Epiphany in the village of Interpreters was built in 1825. The first mention in the annals of the village Tolmachev dates back to the mid 16th century. At this time there were two wooden churches in honour of the Nativity of the blessed virgin Mary in honor of St. Nicholas. In the late 16th century during the Lithuanian invasion of the Church were burned. In "time of troubles" because of famine, pestilence, Lithuanian invasions, the consequences of the oprichnina, the population of these places have died out, or went South. The land here had been empty for almost half a century: overgrown fields, villages destroyed.

At the invitation of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich in the 17th century was moved Karelians, leaving the Swedes took Western Karelia. They left their native land because of the violent treatment of them in the Lutheran Church, because of the huge taxes and other oppressions. With the arrival of Karel lives in Tolmachev revived. The second birth of the village of Interpreters is considered the mid-17th century. The Karelians were excellent carpenters, they are well built and houses, and temples.

In 1729, in the village there were two wooden churches. One – in honor of the Epiphany, the second Within the Nikolskaya. Every Church was a wooden bell tower with three bells. Until 1729 Interpreters belonged to the count, the President of the Admiralty Board F. M. Apraksin, so the temples of the village used its blagotvoreniya. Over time, the wooden Church of the Epiphany old, and then burned. And in 1789, on its place was built a new wooden eponymous Church.

In 1825 in Tolmachev built a new stone Church, which has reached our time. Wooden Church with a bell tower was moved to the old Karelian cemetery, in 1836 it was consecrated in honor of the Kazan icon of the virgin Mary (it was dismantled in the 1940-ies).

In stone Epiphany Church had three altars: in a cold part of the temple (under the dome) – in honor of the Epiphany, in the refectory on the right – in honor of the Nativity of the virgin, on the left is in honor of St. Nicholas.

The temple was built in the style of "Empire" of granite and brick. It was decorated with a relief pilasters and other decorative elements. The temple was full of paintings, both inside and outside. Four-storey bell tower was crowned by a graceful spire. The dome was blue with bronze stars. The Tolmachevo Church icons were brought by the Karelians from their homeland of the churches, where they were parishioners.

In the iconostasis of the Church of the Epiphany, there was a picture of St. Nicholas, which was carved in stone cross. This is the cross, according to legend, was found by shepherds near the old cemetery. This place was built a chapel, where stood the image of the Saint. After the chapel was destroyed, the image was moved to the Church.

In 1901 to Tolmachevsky the parish belonged 4287 people. At Church of the Epiphany was a good choir of singers, it sang the locals, who had beautiful voices.

Once the Church was surrounded by a cast iron fence with three entrances with decorative wrought iron gates. Behind the fence were growing birch – the funerals of the Church dignitaries. From the East was added to the Church grove of birches and lindens, which was the first in the village cemetery, surrounded by a fence of rough stones and boulders. In the 1930's, they were dismantled and used to build roads.

Epiphany Church was closed in 1948 and was in full decline. Its revival began in 1998 local Orthodox enthusiasts. Was organized by the religious society of the Holy Epiphany parish Tver diocese. On the donations was initiated repairs of the temple.

In 1999 the Church was partially sanctified. In came the arrival of the priest-rector, father Sergius. On weekends and holidays began services.

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