Natural Park Photo: Natural Park "River Tiber"

The natural Park of the Tiber River is located, as the name implies, in the valley of the Tiber – or rather, on both banks of the southern river from the border towns of Montecastello di Vibio and Todi to the southern end of lake alviano.

50-mile portion of the river was blocked by a dam built in the town of Corby for electricity production – thus was born the lake of Corbara and wetlands Alviano. Despite numerous changes to the environment caused by man, the overlap of the river contributed to the creation of an equally beautiful and important from an environmental point of view of natural systems. The abundance of water resources allows you to grow grapes and olives. In addition, the Park is very developed tourism, primarily environmental. On both sides of the Park are interesting medieval Italian town of Orvieto and Todi. And in the Park you can visit a number of other, smaller, but no less attractive villages, famous for its cozy atmosphere and breathtaking scenery. Thus, "River Tiber" is a real combination of history, art and nature.

In the town of Montemolin water of the Tiber flowing with such speed that he was nicknamed "Il Furioso" Is Fierce. As we approach Todi they slow down the run, and here the river is known as "Tevere Morto" Is a Dead Tiber. Again picking up speed at Montacute, where the river banks are overgrown with alder, willow and poplar, and after merging with the Naya Tiber for almost 8 km runs along the gorge of Torello. Steep cliffs that vertically rises from the water, covered with Holly, hornbeam trees, Heather, broom and Laurel (the latter is particularly common in Valognes della Pasquarella). In this part of the Park is inhabited by Buzzards, hawks-Sparrow hawks and kites. A little further on, on the border of lake Corbara, you can see wild ducks, tufted duck, herons and kingfishers. In the waters of the lake are inhabited by carp, eels and other fish species, making Corbaro popular destination for fishing enthusiasts.

After the dam flows into the Tiber river Paglia, and after a couple of kilometers begins wetlands Alviano, which became an important stopping point for thousands of migratory birds. Since the 1990s, the area having the status of the reserve, is under control of the WWF – world Wildlife Fund.

The area along the Tiber river for hundreds of years served as an important transportation route. Here you can see traces of human activity since prehistoric times, for example, in caves Titignano. In the Vallon di San Lorenzo and the town of Montecchio, were discovered in ancient burial sites, in Paliano – the ruins of the ancient port, and the excavations in Scoppetta were found Roman pottery.

Book a tour to the natural Park "River Tiber" in the town of Montecastello di Vibio. In Montemolin rent equipment for fishing. And in Montacute, once a former fortified Outpost, start several Hiking and Cycling trails start from the Bailey bridge built by the US army during the Second World war. There is also a centre for lovers of Canoeing, and in the town of Baška centre is rowing.

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