The nature reserve Photo: the nature Reserve "Oasi di Alviano"

The nature reserve "Oasi di Alviano", located near the city of Orvieto in Umbria, was established in 1978 and since 1990 at the initiative of the international environmental organization WWF is under its control. This territory is, in fact, is an artificial ecosystem, which came to light after the construction of a dam on the Tiber river in 1963.

Standing water of the Tiber, which covered a large area after the erection of the dam, soon became a nesting place for the huge number of birds and a haven for a variety of aquatic plant species. For several years, was formed a mixed environment consisting of lakes, marshes, fresh water and forests. An incredible number of migratory birds use the Oasi di Alviano as a stopping place during their migrations from the North of Europe to Africa and back. Fall and winter here without special work can be seen coots and wild ducks, and spring is the perfect time to spot rare migratory birds such as hawks fishermen, wild geese, glossy ibises and cranes.

The vegetation in the reserve is typical of swampy areas and consists mostly of bamboo and aquatic plant species.

Within the Oasi di Alviano laid two routes, on which there are information booths and is equipped with a special hut for observing the fauna of the reserve. There is also a lake created for educational purposes, and a well-equipped laboratory with microscopes for more deep dives into the mysteries of this unique ecosystem.

The educational trail Sentiero, Didattico stretches for 1.5 km: there are four huts for bird watching, living in a swamp. One of the huts rises above the muddy place where most of the year going underground and rain water, which feed on birds. Another hut allows you to look at birds in the field.

The second route that goes from the train station of Alviano Scalo to Oasis along the lake Alviano, is also available for cyclists.

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