Chapel-tomb Pankevych Iveron monastery Photo: Chapel-tomb Pankevych Iveron monastery

In the famous Iberian monastery with the blessing of Archimandrite Lawrence was built a family vault family Pankevych, which is located in the North-Eastern part of the monastery, namely in the garden. Chapel-tomb is an elegant form of a chapel, which is situated on an elevated plinth, in the inner part of which is the tomb. There are three sarcophagi made of stone, lie the remains of several family members Pankevych. In the tomb-chapel is entered via a small lower door located to the side of the North-West. Above the door there is a massive paneled door that leads to the chapel. The left and right sides of the entrance there is a small metal staircase. Making all four facades are made using triangular pediments. Roof tent has a rather complex shape and ends in a form of a small tent, which is surmounted by a cross.

The construction of the tomb was carried out on cash panaeva Valerian Alexandrovich, who was a cousin of the famous I. I. panayev – writer, journalist, and one of the editors of the popular magazine "Sovremennik".

V. A. Panaev lived not far from the train, namely in the village of Kuznetsovo that on the river Serince. In this place he met his future wife – Melgunov Sophia Mikhailovna. In 1850 there was a wedding panaeva and Melgunov, so their ownership of the manor passed under the name of Banevo.

As you know, Melgunov, Panaewa, as well as their relatives Kvashnin-Samarin belonged to the oldest, the Russian native genera. There is evidence that Panaewa came from the Novgorod people by last name Palimony that were once driven out by Ivan the Terrible from the city of Novgorod in the Eastern part of the Russian lands. It is in this new land they were called Panevino, and this name was connected with the fact that they were related by Ermak and captain of the Pan. In 1998 was published genealogy family Pankevych that appeared due to my daughter panaeva Dyagilevo E. V. Genealogy today is stored in one of the manuscript sections of the distinguished Institute of Russian literature.

Panaev Valerian Alexandrovich was not only the Builder of the railroad, but was also the author of books and reports on railway construction and the economy, the Creator of "Panaev" musical theatre in the city of St. Petersburg. With the money his brother Hippolyte and they decided to build a family tomb-chapel, which in the first place, was for their late mother, who was buried at the Iver monastery.

Mother Pankevych – Elena Matveyevna had put a lot of effort for the education of all my sons, Arcadia, Eliodora, Valerian and Hippolytus. In 1836 two youngest sons, she drove to Petersburg, that was a result of their professional education in the Building of engineering communications. Throughout the period of study Elena Matveevna always came to his sons, helping them in everything. In the middle of 1854 came to her false rumor about the death of his son, Arkady, and she never will be able to endure such an ordeal. Before she died she asked to be buried on the territory of the Iviron monastery. In 1870, passionately loving her sons gave his mother's last gift – inscribed tomb, in which moved her ashes.

Some time later, V. A. Panaev was buried in the tomb of his youngest daughter Valentina, who died after childbirth. Being quite young, she died before reaching their twenties. In 1886 near his niece and mother was buried Iliodor Panaev, who throughout his life was surprisingly musically gifted person.

All committed family burial Pankevych associated with a hard fates of famous Russian people who have earned the right to forever be associated with the land of the Orthodox Iviron monastery, as well as Archimandrite Lavrenty, which in 1876 was also buried in this monastery.

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