St. Peter's Castle Photo: St. Peter's Castle

St. Peter's castle, built on the hill of San Pietro in Verona, is a fortress that stands on the site of an ancient Roman temple. Place for the construction of the castle was not chosen by chance – a picturesque hill, overlooking the river Adige and the city, is a great strategic point. Already in the era of the iron age people lived here, which is confirmed by archaeological excavations. In the era of Ancient Rome at the foot of the hill was built the first fortified structure, which controlled the crossing of the Adige, and a little later on the opposite Bank of the river was the town, which later became the city of Verona. It is believed that dedicated to St. Peter Church, built here in the 8th century, stood on the site of an ancient Roman temple, the ruins of which can be seen until the beginning of the 19th century.

In the heyday of the Venetian Republic the castle of San Pietro with its internal buildings was the residence of the military commandant of the city. Serious restoration work was done in the early 17th century, in particular, were renovated rooms for soldiers, and in 1703 was expanded barracks Marines – they can accommodate up to 460 people. Unfortunately, when in the early 19th century, the power over the city was in the hands of Napoleon, his armies destroyed most of the castle and the Church and watch tower, the ruins of which can still be seen in the walls.

Between 1852 and 1858 for years at the direction of the Austrian field Marshal Joseph Radetzky in the castle barracks were built, existing to this day and bearing no obvious features of German architecture.

The wall that surrounds the castle of San Pietro, due to topography has an irregular elongated shape with West and South sides are straight, and from the Eastern broken. Originally the wall was fortified with 12 towers is visible in the masonry. Inside the northeast corner stood the tallest tower, now destroyed. Two gates, equipped with drawbridges, was located on the East and South sides. To survived a huge tank built in the 16th century and installed under the ground to ensure soldiers water - it was moved here from a ruined French Church of San Pietro.

In General, the castle of San Pietro, despite years of abandonment, well preserved: Verona residents and many tourists love to visit the small square in front of the castle and its surroundings turned into a public Park. In 1920-ies was even built funicular, giving interested people to the top of the hill, but for many years it has no effect. Today, the walls of the castle are extensive restoration work, after which there will be opened a new Museum.

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