Reserve Chuprene Photo: Reserve Chuprene

Chuprene one of the largest biosphere reserves in Bulgaria, the total area of which reaches 1439, 2 hectares. There is a reserve near Migura – the highest point East of the Serbian mountain ranges. It Vidin region, the village Chuprene. There is a river near Koprinska. In addition, the reserve borders on Serbia. Territory dodges about a kilometer from the height above the water level (1100 metres) and up to the highest altitude (2004 meters).

Formed the reserve was February 9, 1973 for the purpose of protection of coniferous forests in Northern Bulgaria, as well as ornithological reserve to save the country's only natural population of the capercaillie. Since 1977, the reserve has expanded the list of biosphere reserves under the UNESCO programme entitled "Man and biosphere". In addition, experts have identified isolated area, with an area of 542 hectares – "Czuprynski-Buki", which was subject to protection.

Part of the reserve is occupied by the river, taking its source from the nearby slopes, among which the most important are Scrap, Koprinska, Verbose, Krasavica and Bukowski.

As for the reserve, about 90% is covered by forests, mainly spruce-fir conifer and spruce-beech mixed. Also part of the area is covered with century-old spruce forests of importance for those who study such forests in the Balkans. In addition, among other you can meet maple, aspen, mountain alder, mountain maple, and black elderberry.

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