National Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia Photo: national Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia

Near Vigo, on the territory of the amazing skeletons, there is a unique natural Park Spain - national Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia. Park area of 1194, 8 sq. km and occupies four Islands of Cies, Salvora, OEF and Cortegada. The Park is the tenth visited Park in Spain and the only national Park in the territory of Galicia.

Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia represents a completely unique ecosystem with rare at the present time representatives of flora and fauna. Here is inhabited by many rare birds, belonging to endangered species, in the waters around the archipelago is home to many dolphins. Ocean water this area is also rich in mollusks, tube coral, corals and algae, more than two hundred species.

The Islands have been found traces of human life that relate to the iron age. Also during the excavations there were found objects, ceramics, Dating from the Roman Empire, monastic orders, and other religious artifacts from the Medieval period.

In the national Park of Atlantic Islands can be reached by cruise ship from Vigo. Since the ship has splendid views of fishing villages located on the coast. On the Islands, visitors are invited to choose one of many tourist routes, during which tourists will enjoy the natural surroundings and beautiful views of neighbouring Islands and vistas of the ocean. The terrain is a conservation area, it is forbidden to feed the birds and fishes, and also to go with the paved paths.

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