Literary Museum of A. S. Pushkin Photo: the Literary Museum of A. S. Pushkin

The most significant and important desire Pushkina Varvara Alekseyevna was saving relics that remained after the death of Alexander Pushkin. Her husband also died and she decided to turn the estate marcotai in the house of the memory of the great poet in Vilnius. In 1935, in her will she expressed its will, in fact it was the reason for the creation and opening of the Museum.

In his will Varvara Alexeevna wrote to the estate in Marcuse with all furniture and equipment Vilna Russian society, which was tasked to open a Museum on the estate of A. S. Pushkin and to conduct his case.

After her death, the estate owners began the execution of the will. Initially it was planned to solve all the questions of repayment of debts of the estate, and then to proceed to the founding of the Museum. But the executor Rasinovo and failed to carry out his plan, as Lithuania has changed its social structure, as well as the form of ownership, therefore, ceased to be effective Wilensky Russian society. Estate marcotai was nationalized. Next, the issue of preserving the memory of A. S. Pushkin became involved in the government of the Lithuanian SSR, which is in the fourth decade, founded the Museum in memory of the poet.

During 1940-1949, the Museum worked as the establishment of Cultural and educational Department at the Ministerial Council of the Lithuanian SSR. From 1949 to 1955 he was going to the hands of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, and in the years 1955-1984 belonged to the Ministry of culture. In the period from 1984 to 1986, the Museum was renovated, after which the Museum was owned by the Vilnius Department of culture. Since 1990, the Museum named after A. S. Pushkin is in the hands of Vilnius city municipality.

As you know, Pushkin never been to Lithuania, but in this country it is combined literary and biographical context: here in the estate marcotai lived his brother Gregory with his wife Barbara, and Peter baptized his great-grandfather Ibrahim Hannibal.

The Museum exposition acquaints visitors with the history of translation and translators of the poet's works into Lithuanian language. You can learn about theatrical productions based on the works of Pushkin in Lithuania.

In the showcases of the Museum exhibits manuscripts, translators, books published in Lithuanian, photographs and illustrations created by artists. As for theatrical exhibition, it tells the story of the productions of the works of Pushkin in the theatres of Lithuania, for example, the Opera "Eugene Onegin". You can see a huge number of photographs, posters and programmes of performances, sketches of costumes, which were created by artists: N. Zelinsky, M. Dobuzhinsky, M. Pepper.

Brightly historical setting of the poet's works in the Lithuanian national ballet and the Opera "Boris Godunov", "the Queen of spades", "mermaid", "Mozart and Salieri", "the fountain of Bakhchisarai" and others.

In the memorial exhibition of the Museum presents the furniture that was ordered from Vilna masters for the house in marcotai. Most of the furniture has a clipping arms kind of Pushkins. All the furniture has survived and is represented in the memorial exhibition, which keeps the authentic life of landowners from Velencei late 19th – early 20th century.

One of the rooms of the Museum has an area that stores two green velvet chairs and a card table that belonged to the poet. Room walls are covered with canvas, which are hand-embroidered serf women from the village of Mikhailovskoye, which was brought and furniture. In a Cabinet made from mahogany, are 21 edition of the works of A. S. Pushkin – this is a real treasure, because when life Pushkin was released only 34 books. You can see paintings, appliques, made Varvara Pushkina.

In 1999 in Lithuania celebrated the 200th birthday of the great poet A. S. Pushkin. Was held a luxurious evening in the drama theatre of Lithuania, as well as many cultural events. In the same year, the Museum building was restored.

In the Museum named after A. S. Pushkin runs rich cultural life: concerts, music evenings, exhibitions, literary evenings, and commemoration events from the life of the great poet. The Museum cooperates with foreign museums, cultural institutions, conducts educational and outreach work.

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