Rumbauskas mountain Photo: Rumbauskas mountain

Rumbauskas mountain is the memorial, which is part of the Green belt of Glory, erected by workers of the Frunzensky district of the city of Leningrad on the Road of life in 1967 in Vsevolozhsk. The memorial is located at the slope of the high sandy mountains. May 7, 1965. in honor of the 20-th anniversary of victory in the great Patriotic war was laid the "first stone" of the memorial ensemble and were planted 20 birches.

The monument is located near the fork of two roads: on lake Ladoga and Koltushi highway. The authors of the monument – architects V. N. Polukhin and P. F. Kozlov. The composition of the monument is quite expressive and symbolic: large, soaring leaves of Laurel and oak, and the acorn. The Laurel leaves symbolize glory, oak symbolize the strength and acorn expresses the idea of the continuation of life. Near the monument is the stele with the image of trucks going along the Road of life in besieged Leningrad, on the stele engraved with the lyrics of Olga Bergholz.

From Rumbauskas mountains was the only overland route to Ladoga lake, used by the defenders of Leningrad. In this place were the 10th kilometer of road. Near Rumbauskas mountain, in Vsevolozhsk two roads converge at Ladoga. In wartime used both, but the main road was from Rzhevka to Rumbauskas mountains. On the left side of the road near the sign marking the border of Vsevolozhsk, set a granite stone, the inscription on which shows that in this place were the Road of life. According to the memoirs of veterans, this is the first memorial sign was erected on the initiative of Lieutenant-General Lagunova F. N., the former chief of the rear of the Leningrad front.

Through the memorial trail international winter marathon "Road of Life".

Near this place is a memorial dedicated to the heroism of the soldiers of the Afghan campaign. With this war never returned 92 resident of the Leningrad region. The monument was erected on the initiative of veterans and members of public associations.

Rumbauskas mountain has a rich history. There are many stories about the dungeons of the city of Vsevolozhsk, and, in particular, under Rumbauskas mountain. In 1984, there was found one of the fragments of the underground passage. In the course of a long and complex underground works were cleared debris and opened new underground halls, which are designed without anchorage in silty loess-like loam. Also here were found: underground Drenica, fragments timbered flooring, similarity gallery, completely littered with clay. The purpose of these dungeons and the time of their creation is not installed. Excavations in these places were closed because it was dangerous because there was the likelihood of collapse of the arch.

Fans travelling under the earth argue that the underground passages in all Rumbauskas mountain. The caves go in different directions and may exist since time immemorial. According to local legend a few moves are far enough away and connected to Koltushi quarries, which are located almost 10 km from Vsevolozhsk. It is still unknown exactly how many of these underground tunnels and where they lead.

It all began with an unusual building called the Red castle, the ruins of which are located on the slope Rumbauskas mountains. Uncertain when and by whom was built the Red keep. But it is known that in the early 19th century it already was, and Vsevolozhskiy received it in a very dilapidated condition. In pre-revolutionary times, the building was adapted to be an artisan housing, and the house Vsevolozhsky was built on top of a mountain above the old walls. New home burned down in 1926, but the mysterious red wall of the castle still stand, despite the fact that they burned a few times and was rebuilt.

According to legends Red castle was built by the Swedes. On Rublevskoe Park road runs "Swedish bridges", so called in memory of Gath that were built here in the 16th century by the Swedish General Pontus de La Gardie. This road went from Kexholm (now Priozersk) in the village of Ryabovo (today Vsevolozhsk) through Rumunski churchyard (now Pine), and then went back to the Nienschanz (promontory at the confluence of the Neva and Okhta) and Noteburg (Nut). Deep underground, below the castle there was a huge cellars in which to store huge stocks of provisions. Red castle was his home and a kind of reference point where they could stop to resupply and rest of the Swedish troops on the way to Ingria and then Muscovy.

To this end, most likely, and was erected in marshy and semi-desert terrain castle with two towers in five tiers, which if necessary could be a defensive item. For movement through swamps were laid Gati, and for a secret retreat built a system of underground passages.

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