Museum Nevsky Pyatachok in the village of Dubrovka Photo: Museum of Nevsky Pyatachok in the village of Dubrovka

Museum Nevsky Pyatachok is located in the village of Dubrovka, Vsevolozhsky district, Leningrad region. The state Museum "Nevsky patch" was created in 1963 on the initiative and with participation of veterans of the great Patriotic war. Initially, it was located in the House of culture, but after the fire of 1991, many of the exhibits and priceless relics were lost.

In 1998, the Museum was revived with the active participation of residents of Dubrovka. Students from a local school helped to restore the names of soldiers who died in these places. The official opening of the Museum took place in 1999, the Museum received the status of State Museum and became part of the LO GUK "Museum Agency" as a branch. He headed the Museum Alexander Osipov.

The Museum has more than 700 exhibits, among them – all sorts of small arms, fixtures and devices for the conduct of hostilities, which were used by the warring parties, personal belongings and household goods of military personnel.

In 1941-1943 on the banks of the Neva river, where is located the village of Dubrovka, there were bloody battles, during which Soviet troops attempted to break the blockade. On a tiny scrap reclaimed from the Nazi invaders of the earth, which was named "Nevsky patch", have left their lives more than 200 thousand of our soldiers. This confrontation lasted for 285 days: 19 September 1941-29 April 1942 and from September 16, 1942 to March 1943.

On 8 September 1941, the German fascist army broke through to the outskirts of Leningrad. She captured the territory from the Gulf of Finland on line Ligovo, Yam-Izhora, Krasnogvardeisk and on the left Bank of the Neva – Shlisselburg, Ivanovo, up to Ladoga lake. Leningrad was isolated. Surrounding residents, refugees from German-occupied territories, as well as the staff of the Baltic fleet and 3 armies, not mentioned in the media.

In this situation, the government has taken all possible measures for the removal of Leningrad from blockade. In September 1941 it was decided that troops of the Leningrad front to grab a foothold in the area of the Moscow Dubrovka, to move forward and release the station mga. To increase the pressure on the Germans, towards the units of the Leningrad front were part of the Volkhov group of forces with the same goal – to liberate MSU.

The bridgehead was conquered by the Nazis in the night from 19 to 20 September. A small plot of land along and across was exposed to fire. There died thousands of soldiers. Far in the headquarters, it was called "Nevsky patch", since on the map it is the springboard you could cover with a coin of 5 cents. Replenishment came here nonstop. The wounded were sent to the right Bank, and those who died here. The loss of the generals were not deterred, roll call lists of soldiers, sent to the bridgehead, no one led.

All fall and winter, the Germans have held back the attacks of the Soviet troops, but as soon as Neva was discovered, and the communication between the banks ceased, the defenders of the bridgehead were destroyed. September 26, 1942, the situation repeated: red selflessly captured Nevsky Pyatachok and started to get replenishment.

After several unsuccessful operations in 1943, the military leaders still managed to make the crossing across the river and to push the Germans from Ladoga. While on the battlefield was laid hundreds of thousands of our soldiers. On February 17, 1943 the German high command, trying to preserve his troops beginning to withdraw troops away from the "patch".

After the war, the government preferred not to remember the details of events at the "Nevsky patch". Were not even buried the dead soldiers here. They lay in the trenches and shell-holes.

The Museum is open diorama size 3x10 m, which reflects the bloody events of those days. The atmosphere of wartime can be felt upon entering this dugout and through items of military life. A special tone to the Museum asking a memorial plate, on which are carved out of a list of soldiers who are buried in Dubrovskaya earth.

The Museum tour takes place on the banks of the Neva. One can see the whole panorama of the Nevsky bridgehead, defenders whose death stood in the battle for Leningrad. Now there is a memorial complex "Nevsky patch".

The main focus of the Museum is compiling a Memory Book of the village of Dubrovka, which recorded the data of all those killed and buried here the defenders of the Motherland. We also work on the basis of data from the military archives, and on the basis of search activities.

The Museum maintains an active public life. This award-winning Museum and diplomas. Museum doors are always open to all those who are aware, in which country he lives.

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