Museum Reattu Photo: Museum Of Realty

Museum Reattu not only bears the name of one of the famous natives of Arles and keeps his creativity, but it is also the dream of Jacques Reattu – the truth embodied after his death.

Jacques Reattu was born in Arles in 1760 and was the illegitimate son of an aristocrat and sister of the artist. The father, however, gave his son an education and then financed his education at the Royal Academy of arts in Paris. As the artist Jacques Reattu was the representative of the revolutionary classicism. Part of his life he spent in Italy and Paris, then returned to his hometown and, most likely, about 15 years did not work, at least, know nothing about it. But Realty acquired in Arles old building that belonged once to the knights Templar, worked in it and wanted to create in Arles society of artists, and in this building to accommodate their workshops. A similar idea in the late nineteenth century harbored Vincent van Gogh, but he has to realize it failed.

The Museum was opened in this house in 1868 – 35 years after the death of Jacques Reattu. The artist's works are part of the permanent exhibition of the Museum, which occupies 12 rooms. They can be seen in his paintings, projects, a collection of paintings, collected by Reattu. Here are stored, for example, six of grisaille – work done Reattu different shades of the same color. Also included in the exhibition of the painting, written by his friends and family.

Besides Reattu, in the permanent collection includes works by Pablo Picasso, which was in Arles and left as a gift to the city of some of his paintings. Picasso works occupy three of the Museum hall. The Museum also presents works by other artists of the XVII-XIX centuries, in one of the halls host exhibitions of photographers. In 2008, the Museum presented the work of the famous couturier Christian Lacroix.

In Arles Museum is located on the embankment of the Rhone.

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