The mausoleum of king Mausolus Photo: Mausoleum of king Mausolus

The end of the second Millennium BC is remarkable that the Greeks are concerned about finding a new living space, began to occupy the territory of Asia Minor. This time and dates from the appearance of the city of Halicarnassus, which was later renamed to Bodrum.

In 546 BC, this territory was conquered by the Persian king Cyrus II. Huge within the Persian state were structurally divided into small, in modern terminology, Autonomous regions with their rulers, subordinate to the Persian king. They were given complete freedom of action on the principle "whatever is not prohibited is allowed". This area was known as "the lands", and the king – the steward – "Satrap".

The lands, located on the South-West of Asia Minor, was named Kariya. Its capital – Milas – was located on northeast from Halicarnassus in the mountains. But the Satrap Heckaman, who ruled here for about 400g. BC, decided to move the capital to Halicarnassus. The reason for this was its convenient location. After the official transfer of the capital from mylasa to Halicarnassus, Hectagonal started rapid construction, the purpose of which was to transform Halicarnassus in Royal residence. But in 377 BC, he died, never having lived before moving to the new capital. After his death the throne of the Satrap took the son of Hektagon the Mausolus. It with equal vigour, undertook the continuation of the work started by his father. Then, among other things, it adopted the decision on the construction of the mausoleum is a monumental headstone, the name and majestic appearance which would be a perpetual reminder to descendants, how about his name and about his glorious deeds.

Being an avid lover of Greek culture and art, he announced the opening of a special competition, to participate in which were invited Greek artists in the field of construction. Almost all the famous Greek architects took part in it, and the winners were PYTHEAS and Satyr.

The unusual design of the mausoleum, which became the fifth wonder of the world, was decorated with friezes and bas-reliefs with images of mythical characters, and in the marble figures were embodied the best of ancient traditions. However, as in the case of his father, the fruit of their efforts to Mausolus was not destined to enjoy: in 353 BC, when he died, the mausoleum has not yet been finished. Continued the construction of his wife Artemesia, but she died shortly before its completion. And completed the construction of the mausoleum of the architects who participated in its construction.

As they say, it was built for the ages. So, the tomb of Mausolus survived the siege and capture of the city by Alexander the great in 334 BC, he came out Unscathed and after other wars. But, "nothing lasts forever", and as a result of the earthquake in the twelfth century a large part of the structure was destroyed, after which it was razed to the ground, and in its place began to build a house.

In 1857 12 houses were bought, then the English archaeologists from the wreckage were recovered the remains of what was once proudly called the Mausoleum. These findings are currently in London at the British Museum. Now from the Mausoleum remained only the Foundation and a green stone that covered the entrance.

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