The Mosque Of Al-Azhar Photo: The Mosque Of Al-Azhar

The mosque of al-Azhar is known as a famous religious University in Cairo, where everyone engaged in the study of the Quran, Arabic language and literature, a variety of religious subjects. The mosque was built by the famous warlord Johar in 969-972 year simultaneously with the construction of the city and was the main mosque of the state. For many centuries the mosque was a haven for local residents and refugees in times of war and persecution. Education institution of the mosque began in 988. Money from the income from the Waqf of the mosque was rebuilt several times, was renovated and completed additional classes for the purpose of expansion space.

Since the mid-twentieth century, the mosque became the largest and most prestigious Islamic University. There are about 50 faculties and trained Muslims from around the world. At the moment the University has a library, which has sixty thousand books and fifteen thousand manuscripts.

Al-Azhar is a wonderful example of architecture. The entrance to the mosque is an arch in the shape of a Shamrock. Inner rooms are decorated with an abundance of relief forms, arches, a variety of graphic and floral ornaments and patterns on the walls and columns. The mosque is surrounded by an arcade and has an underground passage to the mosque al-Hussein. Situated close by is the market town and the oldest Cairo coffee shop.

During its existence, the mosque had significantly changed its appearance, however, of ancient Foundation remained intact. This courtyard, which is framed around the perimeter of the arcade, and the great hall for receptions, is unique in that it has a 380 columns. These buildings today are the same as in 973 year. It is worth noting that the main buildings of the mosque is made of brick covered with plaster. But already completed later constructions of stone.

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