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Luxury house, which is called "Felix Zavoisky", has its own history and is located right in the centre of Karlovy vary. It was built in the early XX century by the famous fashion designer Felix Zavoisky and named in his honor. This building, designed in modern style, located fashion house, which was attended by all the gentlemen and ladies arriving in Karlovy vary. Good location, nice, friendly staff, luxury toilets, which can be customized to the figure that was expected by the attendees of the fashion salon. Among them were representatives from European aristocratic families, monarchs and their spouses and just rich people. Used to go here and Bohemians. Felix the Zavoisky was to be found in different, but a decent crowd. A frequenter of the salon of Zavoisky was Edward VII – English monarch and Eddin Mustafa – Persian ruler.

The design of a five-story building comprised experienced engineer Karl Haibeck, who came from Vienna.

10 years after the opening of the fashion house in this building was installed this technical miracle that gathered onlookers even more than the presents inside toilets, first in Karlovy vary lift. They say that in private homes at the time of elevators. Felix Zavoisky and here he was among the founders of a new fashion.

In 1911, the house changed the owner. Bought Zivnostensky Bank, which opened its office here.

In 2006 the house was completely rebuilt as a luxury hotel, which is located just 10 rooms. They are all decorated in a different style, yet comfortable and cozy.

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