St. George's Anglican Church. Luke Photo: St. George's Anglican Church. Luke

Near the hotel "Bristol" in Karlovy vary, you can see the Church from red stone. It is a bit like the English chapel – discreet, modest and directed to God and Heaven. The similarity is not accidental: it is the Anglican Church of St. Luke, set up by the English tourists.

English, like Russian, spent a lot of time in Karlovy vary, correcting health, relaxing at a local casino and knotting non-committal romances. They feel at home here, only the climate here was not much better than raw, unfriendly England. Full of happiness English tour was not enough for the Church, where they could be alone and talk with God. And then on the Castle hill was found a convenient place where donations of English holidaymakers master Josefsohn began construction of the new Church, which was consecrated with the name of St. Luke.

The project for the Cathedral was designed by Oscar Moter from Leipzig. He wanted to achieve almost complete resemblance of the future Church and the Anglican churches, which he managed. The Church was built in the shape of a cross. It is crowned with a wooden tower with a small gallery. The Church consists of two aisles, relies on thick columns and different unbleached walls that give the Church a plaque of romance and exoticism.

The Church received its first visitors in 1877. She regularly worked for 30 odd years, but then was closed for restoration. Nowadays the service is not carried out, but to get in the middle. In the Anglican Church is a Museum of wax figures.

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