Top Peter Photo: The Top Of Peter's

One of the most famous viewpoints of Karlovy vary, which can be reached from the city centre in a matter of minutes, if you use the cable car, or half an hour, if you go on foot for a safe travel path, passing through the woods, called "jelení Skok (translated from the Czech – "deer Leap")". It is located at carlsbad the hill Top of Peter. And here we are again confronted with the legends associated with the Russian Tsar Peter I. it is Said that once while riding a horse he found this top, took a view of the city from the height and carved my initials on a wooden cross that stood there for centuries. Now to follow the route of the Russian ruler can be anyone.

Near the lookout is a small rock that is decorated with a statue of a chamois. The customer of this graceful sculpture became Baron Lutzow, and by the sculptor August kiss. The statue was to symbolize the hoofed specified by the Czech king Charles IV thermal springs, which became the basis for the construction of the resort.

The statue is a true symbol of Karlovy vary. It can be seen on numerous postcards, magnets and posters in kiosks in the city. It pleasing locals and tourists until 1984, until some unbalanced personality not broke it. Then the city authorities appealed to the Czech master Jan Kotaku, who restored the sculpture available photos. This time yesterday I was made of bronze.

With equipped for travelers viewpoint "jelení Skok" beautiful view spread out below Karlovy vary.

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