The Palazzo Biscari Photo: The Palazzo Biscari

The Palazzo Biscari is private ownership in Catania, built for the Dukes of Biscari of the genus Paterno Castello. The construction of the Palace began in the late 17th century after the devastating earthquake of 1693 and continued for almost a century. The Palazzo was erected directly opposite the city walls (the so-called Walls of Charles V), partially escaped during the earthquake.

The oldest part of the Palace, which he worked on the architect Alonzo Di Benedetto, was built on the orders of Ignacio, third Duke Biscari. The son of Ignazio Vincenzo, commissioned the decoration of the seven large Windows facing the sea, the sculptor from Messina Antonio Amato. Later the Palace was rebuilt by the order of the fourth Duke of Biscari Ignazio paternò Castello, who expanded it to the East. Over the reconstruction project worked with the architects Giuseppe Palazzotto and Francesco Battaglia. The final completion of the construction of the Palace and its Grand opening took place in 1763.

To get inside by going through the large portal facing the street via Museo Biscari. The portal leads into the inner courtyard, where there is an impressive double staircase. Main hall – Festivals – in the Rococo style and decorated with mirrors, frescoes and stucco work Matteo Desiderato and Sebastiano Lo Monaco. Small dome frescoed praising the greatness of the family of paternò Castello di Biscari. In the main hall a staircase, adorned with moldings and is located in the portico, facing the sea.

In other rooms of the Palazzo is to provide a so-called Room of the Feudal Lord, a sight of which serve as canvases depicting subjects Biscari, and Apartments of the Princess, built by order of Ignazio V for his spouse. The floor of this room are tiled with marble from ancient Roman villas. Noteworthy Bird Gallery and a Room of don Quixote.

The Palace is a Museum, which once kept the art collection gathered by Ignazio V and now in the Museum of the Castello Ursino.

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