Cologne Cathedral Photo: Cologne Cathedral

A pearl of Cologne is the Cathedral of St. Peter and Mary. If you look at it from the Cathedral square, then hits it strict and wide façade and the tower seemed to want to touch the sky.

By a narrow spiral stone staircase, breaking the 509 stairs to climb up and with a height of about 100 meters to see the old town and the Cathedral roof.

In the evening the Cathedral impresses that due to its location and the green glow of the backlight on the black stone.

The history of Cologne Cathedral of St. Peter and St. Mary dates back to the Roman era, and the building that stood in this place before, it was built in the days of Charlemagne. In the early Church were placed the relics of the Magi, the "three Holy kings", as it is common to say that are the treasure of the Cathedral.

In the beginning of XIII century the idea was born to build a Cathedral, like the French, but surpassing them in size and beauty. In 1248 was laid the first stone. In 1560, was completed the construction of the choir, the portal and the South tower. All the space was roofed and it has become possible to conduct Church services.

In 1842, at the initiative of the Prussian king Friedrich-Wilhelm IV of the works were resumed. Thanks to the talent of the architect Ernst Friedrich Zwirner Gothic spirit Cathedral was fully preserved, and in 1880 the railroad was completed.

During the last war, the bombing caused building damage. It is not yet entirely restored. It should be added that the building suffers from air pollution, but it does not make it less beautiful. Magnificent stained glass Windows in the choir loft! Some preserved from the year 1280.

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