The ancient city Prien Photo: Ancient city Prien

Near the Turkish resort of Didim is an ancient city Prien, one of the twelve most famous ancient cities of Asia minor. The policy is very well preserved to our days, and now is a great example of a Hellenistic city.

Preen was founded in the XI century BC, the son of Nelia Epitom and is located at the foot of the hill Micale. This Ionian city was originally located on the coast Latiuscula Bay and had two harbours, in which stood a small fleet. Prien belonged to the Union of the twelve Ionian cities were just 17 kilometres from the famous Miletus. Ten kilometers from Polis was a river Meander. However, in the middle of the fourth century, due to deposits of this river, the coastline went farther out to sea, and the city was several kilometres away from the water line. Just at that time, Prien then reconstructed after destruction by the Persians and the city had to be moved. In a 3-2 BB. to n.e. Prien was part of the Seleucid, then the Pergamon kings; later a provincial city of the Roman Empire and Byzantium. In the years of being policy under Byzantine rule, the city was the residence of the Byzantine Bishop. Later, due to heavy sedimentation caused by river sediment, Preen have lost their former value. Perhaps this has led to the destruction of the city. But at this point there are other versions. One of them claims that the cause of death of Priene was an earthquake, the other blames the epidemic of malaria.

The city existed until the thirteenth century, when the attack of the Turks and an even greater retreat of the sea made him small village, completely lost its former significance. Despite this, Prien perfectly preserved and contains almost no later reconstructions, such as Ephesus. That is why he is considered one of the best ancient monuments in the Aegean.

Prien is one of the few policies of Hellas, which was brought to our time, sufficient information about the urban development of the Hellenistic era. The ruins of the city have a view of the terraces, therefore, have been the subject of detailed scientific study of the English Society of Amateurs in 1765 and 1768, and in 1895 – 1899, they thoroughly studied Theodore Wigand for the Berlin Museum. At the end of the nineteenth century, they explored Karl Human, which found that the town was built by the architect Hippodamus. Prien was divided by six streets 80 mini-blocks, the size of which was approximately 42 to 35 meters. In the quarter was a four apartment house, and the whole block was occupied by usual public buildings. Impressive skill of the architect, who such a strict rectangular composition of the city in mountainous terrain. Only in Pompeii this scheme-plan of the city was preserved in such pristine form, but it is at least three centuries under priyanskoi.

One of the first in Priene was built the ancient theatre, otherwise known as the Acropolis, Dating to the fourth century BC. In the II century ad the Romans reconstructed it, in particular they rebuilt the stage. The theatre is at the top of one of the spurs of the mountain, at the base of which lies the ancient city. It offers a magnificent view of the surroundings. The theatre is designed in the shape of a horseshoe in a classical Greek style and has a small size. Its highlight is that in the centre is an altar, previously used for sacred offerings to Dionysus. Initially, the theater had 50 tiers of benches, and had a capacity of 50 thousand spectators, and the scene length was 18 meters. The most striking feature of the structures is the presence of five large marble thrones for local dignitaries. The theatre is well preserved. Behind the building you can see the ruins of a Byzantine Basilica.

The most famous monument of Priene, the temple of Athena, which is located against a cliff and is visible from a great distance. It was built by the architect Pipia, who was also the author of the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus. The temple was dedicated to Athena, Polias, which translates as "the Keeper of the city". The construction of the temple began in the mid-fourth century BC, when Alexander the great liberated Prien from Persian rule. He gave money for the erection of the temple of Athena. The inscription of the dedication of the temple by Alexander the Great is preserved in the British Museum in the form of fragments of a huge cult statue of the goddess. The construction lasted about two centuries. The length and width of the base of the temple is approximately equal to 37 and 20 metres. Colonnade of 6 rows and 11 columns surrounded the temple, but survived only five ionic columns. The proportions and methods of construction of the temple was used as a standard even in Roman times, when the building was re-dedicated to Athena, Poles and August, the new Roman Emperor. At that time all existing shrines and temples Priene adapted for placement of busts and statues of the Emperor, his family and ancestors. In front of the temple of Athena ruins of a magnificent altar.

On the highest terrace of the city, just North of the temple, are the sanctuary of Demeter and Cora, and a half-two centuries older than any other structure in the city. A little below the temple of Athena is the center of life in the city – the Agora (market square). It dates from the III century BC. In the North is the sacred hall with a length of 16 meters, and on three sides was hampered by columned porticos. Nearby Bolivari (the Parliament building), designed for 640 people, near which is a place for the sacred fire - pretation. The temple of Olympian Zeus is located in the Eastern part of the Agora, and the market in Western. On both sides of the road connecting the Agora from the West gate, are the once rich houses, the walls of some of them have a thickness of 1, 5 metres. Recently found stairs houses prove that in ancient times they had at least two floors. In addition, in Prien you can visit the ruins of the gymnasium, stadium and baths, which are in pretty bad condition.

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