The Municipality Of Funchal Photo: Municipality Of Funchal

The first city hall building was built in 1486 and was located near the Cathedral of Funchal (Sé Cathedral) on Largo do Duque. Up to 1784, this building was the seat of the city Council. Then the mayor's office changed its location several times. In 1802, eventually the city hall is located in Largo de Sé. On the Largo de Sé city hall remained until 1913, then the building was demolished. Today at Largo de Sé is a lot of cafes and restaurants, including the famous Apollo cafe, opened in 1945.

Currently the city hall building is located at Rua doshas Ferreira. The building is a magnificent example of urban architecture of the XVIII century and once belonged to the family of the count of Carvalhal, who built it as a residence in 1758. In 1883 the building was purchased from the heirs of count Carvalhal.

One of the striking elements of the building are considered solid front door with granite frame. Also, impressive reception room with eleven Windows. Reception is on the second floor, and every window has a balcony. Bulk iron bars on the Windows of the first floor dates back to the XVII-XVIII century. In the reception room on the first floor accessed via a beautiful staircase. In the courtyard in 1941, was a marble statue of Leda and the Swan". Some works of art that were in the city hall, presented at the exhibition in the old Museum. Among these works are some paintings by British artists of the XIX century, including the work of the famous artist of the early twentieth century by max Romero.

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