Gorge red butterflies Photo: Gorge of red butterflies

Gorge red butterfly, also known as the Gorge of Estuaries located in the Southeast of the island of Crete and has a length of about 5 km. It is considered one of the most beautiful canyons of the island. This original name of this place derives from the red butterflies, which are in huge numbers flocked here in the hot summer months.

In 1993, during large-scale fire, the gorge has become a major disaster area and suffered greatly. The fire destroyed almost 70% of the pine forest. Today the greenery of the gorge in the relative extent restored, but the population of red butterflies in the region has significantly decreased.

To Gorge red butterflies on the entire route is characterized by a large number of small streams and waterfalls. In General, the gorge can be divided into three parts. The first part of the route is the green with lush vegetation, among which is dominated by pine. After an hour walk green area will complement the hilly terrain. Half an hour later the gorge transformed and offers magnificent views of the surrounding mountains. This part of the route is about two miles, and at the end of the gorge is the stunning beauty of the waterfall gushing out of the crevices in the rock. Nearby asphalt road linking the village by koutsouras and Orino

Gorge red butterflies today is a protected nature reserve. The journey through the gorge in the summer will not take more than four hours. Beautiful panoramic views will bring a lot of fun and the feeling of complete unity with nature. However, one should be very careful and follow the directions so as not to go astray and get lost.

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