The Cenacle (Zion) Photo: Cenacle (Zion)

The Cenacle, or Cenacle (derived from the Latin cena – "dinner meal") tradition puts the building on mount Zion, where king David's tomb. The tomb is on the ground floor, the room on the second floor.

The gospel of Mark tells the story: on the eve of the feast of the Passover, Jesus sent two of his disciples" (the Apostle Luke points out – it was Peter and John in Jerusalem: "...go into the city... tell the owner of the house, the Master saith, where is the guest room where I may eat the Passover with my disciples? And he will shew you a large upper room furnished and prepared: there make ready for us" (MK 14:13-15).

In the upper room Jesus the last time in his earthly life shared with the apostles the meal. There He established the sacrament of the Eucharist the partaking of His flesh and blood under the appearance of bread and wine. There Christ, as a servant, washed the feet of his disciples – Peter tried to refuse the honor, but Jesus insisted. There the Savior gave to his apostles a new commandment of universal love: "love one another as I have loved you" (Jn 15:12). On the eve of His departure He instituted the sacrament of the priesthood: "As You sent me into the world, even so have I also sent them into the world" (John 17:16-17). Everything that happened during that dinner, it is incredibly important for Christians.

Peering into the room, the tourist will find that it bears little resemblance to the room of the house of the first century. That's right: the Grand room with high vaulted ceiling belongs to the era of the crusaders, it was a part of the Church of the XII century. Marble columns support the dome above the staircase, depicted on the capitals of the Pelican in Christian art – a symbol of charity and sacrifice). Colored stained-glass Windows and niche-mihrab generally belong to the Islamic era.

However, the crusaders chose this place for his Church is not accidental. Studies show that after the destruction of Jerusalem by the soldiers of Titus in the year 70 in one piece only a few buildings on mount Zion, including, apparently, where the last Supper took place. Tradition says that here the apostles gathered after the execution of the Savior, here at Pentecost descended upon them the Holy Spirit in the form of cloven tongues of fire. It is believed that in this house and appeared first in the Christian world Church. In the IV century in its place was erected the Basilica of Holy Sion, which was revered as the "mother of all churches". In the XII century it was burnt by the Persians, crusaders captured Jerusalem, they found only ruins.

Knowing the meaning of these Holy stones, the crusaders erected on the Church, including Cenacle. Saladin, wining the Holy Land, decided not to destroy or transform the Basilica on mount Zion in the mosque – he gave her into the care of the Syrian Christians. Despite numerous restructuring, it has reached our days almost intact.

Of course, the true face of the gospel of the parlor is unknown. To recreate his power of imagination tried for centuries by the greatest masters, from Leonardo da Vinci to Salvador Dali. But the point at which is now Cenacle, is apparently the same. The echo of the last sermon of the Savior sounds under the arches of the upper room.

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