Natural Park Nalychevo Photo: Natural Park Nalychevo

Established in 1995, the Park is located in the picturesque valley of the Nalychevo river. The Park has an area of about 300 thousand hectares. The Park contains unique natural features, flora and fauna of Kamchatka. The Park is listed in the world cultural and natural heritage of UNESCO.Tundra and mountain landscapes of the Park, the natural complexes of the amazing and picturesque. And due to the fact that the valley surrounded by mountains, it has developed a soft, special microclimate. The Park is rich in animals and plants, many species of which are listed in the Red Book.

Park attractive healing hot and cold mineral springs, the most visited thermal zheltorechenskie, local history, Goryacherechenskie, they sources and cold – Chistinskie, Koryak and the Hague mineral water.

There is Itelmen legend – if a man walk in Nalychevo hot water source with the first rays of the sun, we will gain eternal youth, beauty and health. This is just a legend, a fairy tale, but the Tale is a lie, so it hint".

Research conducted by scientists of the Tomsk research Institute of balneology and physiotherapy proved that the unique properties of water, the concentration of biologically active components that make it a truly healing in the treatment and prevention of various gynecological, skin diseases, liver diseases, cardio-vascular, Central nervous, musculoskeletal, urogenital systems, in violation of metabolism.

Geographic southern boundary of the Park, close to the green area of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and Yelizovo airport, making it convenient for tourists.

In the Park there is the base from which tourists make excursions to the springs and attractions of the valley. To services of tourists - Hiking, skiing, horseback riding tours, and helicopter tour. The main place of leisure is Central cordon of the Park where tourists built houses, a shop, a viewing tower, helipad and indoor bonfire. In the Museum named after the famous Explorer of Kamchatka V. I. Semenova the exposition telling tourists not only with the flora, fauna Park, volcanoes and springs, but also with the life and activity of the Semenov.

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