The Uzon Caldera Photo: Uzon Caldera

The Uzon Caldera is a unique area of existence of modern volcanism. The Caldera of Uzon volcano is located on the Kamchatka Peninsula on the territory of the Kronotsky reserve, South of Kronotsky lake. This is the place, where he formed a unique symbiosis of wildlife and volcanism.

The Uzon Caldera was formed about 40 thousand years ago on the site of a huge volcano, which was destroyed near powerful explosive eruptions. Caldera is a massive bowl-shaped depression of about 150 sq km, is surrounded by steep ledges, the height of which ranges from 200 to 850 m.

The hydrothermal system in the Caldera of Uzon volcano – one of the most powerful on the Kamchatka Peninsula. On the territory of the width of 200-350 m is more than a thousand thermal springs of various sizes and shapes, a large number of lakes, exits gas-steam jets, mud volcanoes and mud pots. There are also outputs of Seltzer.

The Uzon Caldera is a unique place where there are diverse manifestations of young volcanism of different composition, the products of glaciation, as well as connection with sulfatar fields with native sulfur Deposit and accumulation of modified hydrothermal rocks of all colors.

Of particular interest to scientists are amazing lakes (Central and Bath), as well as the chemical composition of the soil and water of the Caldera. Thermal waters are characterized by high content of arsenic, mercury, antimony and copper. Noteworthy is the fact that in the thermal springs of the Caldera of Uzon volcano inhabited by such a unique microorganisms such as archaea, not bacteria or algae. Archaea live in boiling water, where oxygen replaces them sulfur and hydrogen sulfide.

One of the main attractions of the Caldera is read mud pot "Sculptor". Its name speaks for itself. Every couple of seconds mud pot "model" interesting and original education, which in their form resemble roses. Due to continuous geological processes in 2008 formed a new geyser "Muddy".

Thanks to the warm and mild climate around the reservoirs here flock together birds for nesting. In April-may Uzon massively visited by bears.

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