Military cemetery Photo: Military cemetery

War cemetery in Kanchanaburi province, also known as the cemetery of Cancer don, serves as a reminder of the terrible events that took place here during the Second world war. It was created by Colin Claire Oakes, and is under the control of the joint Commission on Military Cemeteries.

Prisoners of war are buried here who died in inhuman conditions the construction of a railway from Thailand to Myanmar (Burma). The project was initiated by Japan, the soldiers which needed support in Myanmar.

The work proceeded from both Thailand and Myanmar. The aim of the Japanese was the construction of roads in 14 months from October 1942 to December 1943. Price of tens of thousands of lives the Road of Death, length of 424 kilometers, was ready on time.

As a result of construction and incredibly cruel attitude to the workers along the road were the bodies are buried approximately 13,000 prisoners of war. According to historians, during the implementation of the project claimed the lives of about 80 000 to 100 000 people. Later the bodies were removed from the common burial ground along the road and moved three cemeteries: in Chungkai and Kanchanaburi in Thailand and in Thanbyuzayat in Myanmar.

Here, in a military cemetery Kanchanaburi, are buried 6 982 people and the ashes of cremated 300 soldiers removed from a southern part, near road from Bangkok to Nieke. Most of them came from England, Holland and Australia. Separately in the cemetery is a memory wall with the names of the 11 Indian Muslims who died during the construction. The bodies of American soldiers found in mass graves, were taken home.

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