Efes Photo: Ephesus

Ephesus was founded in the II Millennium BC in easy to trade location – at the intersection of sea routes and caravan routes of Asia depths. The greatest prosperity reached Ephesus during the Roman Empire, and most of the local archaeological sites belongs to this period. The city's decline began in the 2nd half of the third century, when it was captured and destroyed by the Goths. In the beginning of the reign of the Ottoman Turks Ephesus was forgotten totally.

Among the most interesting sights of the city – the magnificent ancient theatre, which seats 24 000 spectators, the temple of Hadrian, built in honour of the Emperor and is considered one of the main attractions of Ephesus, library of Celsus, which preserved the 12,000 scrolls, the fountain of Trajan, temple of Serapis, an Egyptian God of fertility, the ruins of the Nymphaeum the temple of the nymphs, terraced houses with mosaics and the ruins of the early Byzantine houses the exhibition of ancient utensils.

To the ruins of the ancient city adjacent two mountains – mount Falcon to the House of the virgin Mary and the mountain Peony with "the cave of the seven sleepers". The house of virgin Mary – Christian sanctuary. According to legend, it was here spent his last few years of life, the virgin Mary and took her away to himself by Jesus Christ (the Dormition of the virgin Mary). The house is located on top of the mountain, to where the path is serpentine. Before the house stands a small bronze monument to the virgin Mary. Inside, the floor – carpets on the walls – the quotations from the Koran about Mary.

In the ancient theater summer musical festivals. From the upper ranks of his auditorium offers a magnificent view of the surroundings of Ephesus.

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