The Leipzig Opera Photo: Leipzig Opera

The Leipzig Opera began its existence in the distant 1693, becoming the third theatre in Europe, along with similar cultural facilities in Venice and Hamburg. Despite the fact that the Leipzig Opera does not have its own orchestra, she actively collaborates with the orchestra of the Gewandhaus, since 1766, and it helps in the formulation of various masterpieces of theatre arts.

The opening of the Opera house was a Grand event not only for the residents of Leipzig, but also far beyond its borders. With the 40-ies of the XVIII century there are regularly held performances with the participation of various Italian Opera soloists and ensembles, touring through Germany. In the nineteenth century the number of dissatisfied the public is significantly increased, which was due to the fact that the repertoire of the Leipzig Opera was doing ignorant in this matter. This resulted in a failed rental system for operation theatre, which was abandoned in 1912.

The emergence of talented quartermaster theatre M. Mardersteig was the beginning of a new stage of development of the Opera in Leipzig. Eight years later - in the early 20-ies of the last century, this famous scene was staged productions of modern authors, which increased popularity and attendance of this cultural institution.

War years, the Leipzig Opera house was completely destroyed, but in 1956, started its reconstruction. As a result of construction work carried out in 1960 took place the opening of the renovated Opera house, which was not only the biggest but also a truly beautiful and modern building in the GDR. With performances of Wagner's Opera began a new creative way theatre.

Today, the Leipzig Opera is very popular, it is every year visited by a huge number of locals and visitors. Tickets for performances are usually acquired in several months.

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