National Park of the Apuan Alps Photo: national Park of the Apuan Alps"

National Park of the Apuan Alps" is located a few kilometers from the famous resort area of Versilia in Tuscany Italy. Its highest peak – mount Monte Pisanino – reaches 1947 m.

The Apuan Alps are significantly different from the nearby Apennines in its structure – there are deep river valleys with a very impressive steep slopes. Apuani also famous for its beautiful marble, deep gorges and underground pits. The karst system of these mountains is the largest in Italy and one of the largest in the world. For example, an underground maze of Anthro del Corchia has a length of over 70 km and about 1200 m difference in elevation.

The geographical location of this mountain range, its exposition and the diverse nature of its constituent rocks determine the diversity of ecosystems of the Park. The Apuan Alps are one of the most unusual mountain areas of Italy, has a remarkable geography. Seaward of the foot of the mountains covered with Mediterranean maquis shrub, above find oak groves, mixed forest with a predominance of beech and chestnut trees, at an altitude of 1000 m above sea level growing beech. Alpine meadows and limestone cliffs are home to plants, which are very interesting from a geological point of view.

The fauna of the Apuan Alps is presented by large mammals, among which there are bears, wolves, lynx, deer, and herbivore – bighorn sheep and mountain goats. In deep caves inhabited by bats – bats. Special mention deserve the birds – red Alpine Chough, which has become the symbol of the Park and found only on a few peaks, the Golden eagle nesting in the Northern part Apuan, red grouse, swallow, Alpine Accentor are just a few of the local representatives of the Kingdom of birds.

People began to settle in the Apuan Alps in prehistoric times, leaving behind numerous monuments of history and culture. Today, thousands of tourists annually visit the national Park, passing through a specially equipped paths and stopping at various campsites. All of them are attracted by the amazing landscapes and sights. Among the latter can be called underground labyrinth Anthro del Corchia, the caves Marmitte dei Giganti far from the valley of Valle degli Alberghi, Monte Forato from the top of which offers a breathtaking view, marble caves in the vicinity of the famous town of Carrara, as well as nearby villages Weight, Seravezza, Stazzema, etc., and “bird sanctuary” with the visitor center, Hiking trails and observation points for bird watching.

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