The Dogon land (Bandiagara plateau) lie in the district of Douentza. The Dogon tribes, believed to have been the original inhabitants of the Niger river valley during the time of the Great pharaohs of Egypt. For thousands of years the Dogon live in villages built of pink Sandstone, build their granaries, destroying them straight in the surrounding cliffs, and collect the meager crops on very small plots carved out in the form of terraces in hard to reach places on the ledges of the cliffs. Their homeland, Catch Plateau, was included in the UNESCO World cultural heritage sites because of its unique people's living conditions and the level of safety in the beliefs of the local people of ancient worldviews of people. Although most of the Dogon moved from a well-protected homes in the cliffs to the plains below the hill, the ancient village is still inhabited, and the cliffs are still being built new villages. I can add description