National Museum of the Republic of Adygea Photo: national Museum of the Republic of Adygea

National Museum of the Republic of Adygea was founded in 1925 as Circassian history and Ethnography Museum. The initiator of its creation was made by the society for the study of the Circassian region. The first Director and the only employee of the national Museum until 1935 was I. A. Navruzov, which brought together rich ethnographic and historical material for the Museum's collection.

Quite a long time Adyghe Museum had no permanent shelter. Since 1929 he was located in Krasnodar. After the Maikop in 1936 became the capital of Adygea Autonomous region, the Museum was renamed the Adygei regional and moved to Maikop. In may 1950, the Museum was given a new building on the street may day. Its first visitors at the new place he has taken in 1954 In March 1993 the Museum was transformed into the national Museum of the Republic of Adygea.

In 2001, the Museum opened two halls permanent ethnographic exhibition entitled: "the Culture and life of the Circassians in the late XVIII - early XIX century". In may 2005, the 60th anniversary of Victory Day, was mounted on another stationary exhibition, called: "Adygea during the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945". Through the year the Museum opened an exhibition of artifacts of the bronze age found in the territory of the Autonomous Republic.

Today the Museum is open 8 departments, has its own library and archives. His collection contains over 270 thousand exhibits. This includes a unique collection of coins, gems, clothing, porcelain, musical instruments and much more. Also visitors have the opportunity to learn about Paleolithic collection P. W. Outlive and unique archaeological exhibits.

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