The Metropolitan Church. Nicholas Photo: the Metropolitan Church. Nicholas

The Metropolitan Church of St. Nicholas is located in the southeastern part of Melnik, near the centre of the city.

The temple was built in several stages. In the middle ages (XIII-XIV centuries) there was a single-nave Church. In 1582 it was restored and expanded. In 1657, under the leadership of warden and Metropolitan Teofan fairly dilapidated temple was restored. Later, in 1689 and 1969, the architecture of the temple has undergone some changes. The construction was managed directly by the Metropolitan Macarius II. Almost a century later, in 1756 the Church was reconstructed and finally acquired the form in which it has reached our days. The information provided in the inscription in the upper part of the old iconostasis, it is known that the person has allocated funds for restoration work, was Metropolitan Macarius III. In 1895 the Church and the building of metropolis, located nearby, was severely damaged by fire. So at the beginning of XX century the Orthodox Church was again restored in the form in which it existed after 1756.

To get into the Metropolitan Church through two entrances – from the Western or Northern side. The inner space is divided into three naves by two rows of wooden pillars, six in each. They serve as supports for wood coatings in the form of a massive arched vault over the Central nave. Nearly the entire perimeter of the nave stretches wide balcony. In the chancel are two semi-cylindrical apse. Instead of burnt in the fire of the old iconostasis was made and installed a new one. From previous preserved only the Royal doors with pictures (1864), authored by Lazarus Zograf from Melnik. He also painted icons for the Church.

On the West side of the building above a small outbuilding stands a tower with a bell tower.

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