Castle Diester Photo: Castle Diester

The first castle in Miskolc was built in the 12th century, and quite possibly, it was poorly fortified, so it is up to the base was destroyed during the Mongol invasion in 1241-1242 years. New castle mentioned in Chronicles 1316, and belongs to the reign of king Bela IV. The Central tower was surrounded by a polygon of the outer walls.

Castle Decider reached its heyday during the reign of Louis I (the Great), king of Poland. By his order, the castle was reconstructed and modernized. Surrounded by several walls of the inner castle was built around a rectangular courtyard, has four towers, one in each corner. The first floor of the fortress was occupied warehouse space, second floor - living room and hall of the Knights is 25 meters long and 13 meters wide. Modernization of the castle was completed in the reign of the daughter of Louis - Marie, then the castle was surrounded by a 4-metre ditch.

In 1381 the castle Diester Turin was signed a peace Treaty drew a line in the war between the Venetian and Genoese republics for supremacy in the Mediterranean, the true winners of which were shadow figures: the king of Hungary and Duke of Austria. In the North-East tower there is an exhibition of wax figures, among which we can find heroes of this historic meeting: king Louis and the Venetian Ambassador.

For several centuries the castle was the holiday residence of the Queens. The last Queen, which owns the castle, was Mary, the wife of Louis II.

When the Ottoman army began to occupy the southern territory of Hungary, the castle was fortified. Its owners, the family Balassa turned it into a great fortress, the towers were replaced by bastions. In 1596, the Ottomans captured the castle in Eger, Decider decided not to tempt fate and surrendered to the mercy of the victors until 1687 and was under the dominion of the Pasha. After the liberation from the Turkish yoke, the castle played no historical role and had no military value.

The restoration of the castle began in HAB. Initially, attention was given only fragments threatened with ultimate destruction, but in 1960 had begun serious work, including archaeological excavations. In the North-East tower (king room) is open an exhibition on the history of the castle and monastery, weapons collection and exhibition of wax figures. North-West tower functions as an observation deck with views of the castle and its surroundings. On the ground floor there is a small printing press on which tourists can make commemorative coins with his own hands. South-East tower (Queen room) closed to the public – it is mainly used as dressing rooms for the actors during the held at the castle of holidays and historical reconstructions. South-West tower is still a ruin.

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