The Grand Kremlin Palace Photo: the Grand Kremlin Palace

The Grand Kremlin Palace is located on the territory of the Moscow Kremlin. The Palace was built 1838-1849 year by Russian architects under the leadership of K. A. ton. The group of architects were: Richter, Gerasimov, Chichagov, Bakari and Shokhin. The building was begun by order of the Emperor Nicholas I. the length of the Palace is about 125 meters, and the height of the Palace is 47 meters. In plan the building is rectangular, with a large courtyard.

The construction of the Grand Kremlin Palace began simultaneously with the construction of the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour, commissioned the same architect Tone. The Palace building was meant to symbolize the rebirth of Moscow after the war of 1812. The architecture of the Palace was supposed to seamlessly communicate with ancient buildings of the Kremlin. A sample of the style of Konstantin Ton indicated to take the architectural design of the Kolomna Palace architect of ... that has not been realized. So there was a project of the monumental building.

In the Palace complex, in addition to built building, entered the buildings of the 16th and 17th centuries – the faceted chamber, the Golden tsarina's chamber, Terem Palace and the Church. The main facade of the building is located along the Kremlin embankment. The exterior finish of the building is made in the traditions of Russian architecture. The Windows are decorated with double arches and carved architraves.

The Palace was conceived as a monument to the glory of the Russian army. It has 5 rooms: Georgievsky, Vladimirsky, Aleksandrovsky, Catherine and Andrew. The halls are named after the names of the orders of the Russian Empire. Design rooms are designed in an appropriate style name.

Andreevsky hall by order of Nicholas I, was dedicated to the order of St. Andrew. This is the throne room of the Palace and the chief of the Imperial hall of the Kremlin. The last restoration of the hall was carried out in 1994-1998. Andrew hall has been restored to its original form.

Alexander hall adjacent to St. Andrew's. Hall was named in honor of the order of St. Alexander Nevsky. This award was established by Catherine I in 1725. Hall restored to its original form in 1994-1998.

Vladimirsky hall is named in honor of the Holy Prince Vladimir. The hall is located in the center of the Palace and leads to the other rooms of the Palace in St George's hall, in the faceted chamber, Terem Palace and other facilities. The hall is illuminated through the dome. Lining the walls of the hall is made of pink marble.

George hall is the Grand hall of the Palace. Named in honor of the order of St. George, which was established by Catherine II in 1769. This award was the highest award of the Russian Empire.

Nowadays the Kremlin Palace is a Grand residence of the President of the Russian Federation. It is the venue of state and diplomatic receptions and official ceremonies.

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