Through grotto Photo: Through grotto

Through grotto at Cape kapchyk is one of the sights of the Crimean resort village of Novy Svet. This is a natural cave, laid along the tectonic fault. Cave length 77 m, and the opening height is 17 m. Through grotto permeates through the Cape of connecting underground corridor two Novyi Svet Bay coast – blue and Blue.

Like many other attractions of the New world, Through grotto was opened by Prince Lev Golitsyn. The exact details of how it happened, no, but according to legend he stumbled upon it quite by accident, during one outing. The attention of Prince prevernal huge karst cavities in the rock, to get to know him better, Lev Golitsyn came to be in a fabulous cave.

The idea, inspired by nature itself, with the help of skilled hands was embodied in the form of a through passage equipped, which was accessible from the Blue Bay in Blue. Entrance doorway under the arch made, laid the stone and put a vintage upholstered wrought iron door that served as the entrance to the Through grotto.

On the other hand, the cave ends with two galleries equipped with stone staircases for the convenience of the descent to the Blue Bay. The outputs from the gallery in this part of the cave deepened by building two stone stairs, which opened up free access to water. In September 1903 in Through the grotto, Prince Lev Golitsyn celebrated their anniversary. Especially for this in the cave was built a makeshift Banquet hall.

Unlike other Crimean caves in education Through grotto underground water was not involved. A wedge-shaped profile and deep cracks of the cave suggests that high underground gallery was formed as a result of non-uniform motion of the limestone masses of the Cape kapchyk several tectonic faults.

The grotto was the most favorite place for numerous excursions. But for several years because of the risk of stone falls and colonies of bats visiting the big Through the forbidden grotto. Now the entrance is a wrought iron door, renovated in the 90s of the 20th century Through the bars, the cave is completely visible, so everyone can get closer to the door and see the extraordinary beauty of the grotto.

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