Ascension Cathedral, Znamensky monastery Photo: ascension Cathedral, Znamensky monastery

Ascension Cathedral is located in the centre of the Znamensky monastery. Its history began in the 17th century, when Ostashkov meander cutoffs, having received the blessing of Patriarch Pitirim, in 1673, went to the king with a petition for permission to organize a women's monastery with the Church in honor of the Signs and with a chapel in honor of St. Elijah the prophet. Letter from the Lord was received on 12 June 1673 25 September 1673 Ostashkov Voivod Evreii Ivan Ivanovich was allotted a plot of land for the construction of the monastery and temple. The abbess of the monastery became the Bayou Eupraxia.

Information about how and when they built the first wooden Church of the monastery have not survived. But after 12 years since the Foundation of the monastery (in 1692) instead of the wooden sign of the Church with the chapel of St. Elijah the prophet, who came at that time into disrepair, was built a new one (also made of wood), but more roomy ascension Church with the chapel of the Signs of the Mother of God.

After removing 1729 ban on the construction of stone buildings abbess Euphemia decided to start in the convent building of a stone Church instead of the previous wooden. Thanks to the help of investors, including the Empress Anna Ioannovna, 1734 chapels were built of stone temple consecrated Abbot of the Nilova monastery by Abraham.

With the help of various benefactors to 1748 ascension Church was completed. In 1750 the Church was decorated with gilded carved iconostasis painted with intricate new icons. In 1748, above the Western entrance to the temple was built a stone tower.

The newly built Church was headed. The temple and the chapels were covered with boards. Belfry had six bells. Near the Church porches were built in four places. When the aisles were breech and a sacristan tents, klarna and bread. The iconostasis of the main temple had four tiers. At the end of the 18th century the ascension Cathedral had five chapters and chapels in honour of the beheading of John the Baptist and the Holy virgin. Church bell tower and the chapels were covered with iron; the bell tower was 8 bells.

In 1803 the Church of the ascension in place of the old iconostasis was installed new carved iconostasis. In 1814, in the chapel of the beheading of John the Baptist also made a new gilded carved iconostasis, in 1820, the iconostasis was replaced and in the aisle Signs of the Mother of God. In 1821 the iconostasis was gilded with pure gold, its hallmarks were written new icons, still iconostasis sold in the churchyard of Serenity. In 1825, the walls of the Church of the ascension were decorated with paintings. In 1829 it was rebuilt the altar with alteration of the dome.

The 1868 fire destroyed all the interior of the Church, including the roof with the heads. Left only the walls of the Church. The restoration of the Church of the ascension was going slowly. In the same year established a new iconostasis in the aisles of the temple. In 1873, the throne of the main temple was consecrated by the Archbishop of Tver and Kashin, his Eminence Filofei.

Oversaw the rebuilding of the temple local technician Demidov. But in 1888, he died and his work was continued by architect Kuzmin and young manufacturer of stone works Surovov Ivan. Reconstruction works were completed in 1890, on 2 February of the same year was consecrated the right altar.

The architectural style of the new warm the Abbey Church turned out to be mixed. The beauty of the interiors of the temple give a vaulted ceiling based on the average of the pillars, and decorated with columns at the corners. Outside the temple are decorated with ridges with cornices. Lattice Windows and doors had an elegant figure. The bell tower was topped pyramidal spire, which was covered with a white sheet of Chequer. In 1893 was completed interior decoration of the chapels in the cold temple.

After the closure of the convent in 1928 the building of the Church is the granary. During the war, significant changes in the life of the Church occurred. In 1947, at the request of the faithful was open winter part of the temple. To it were transferred the relics of St. Nilus. After the transfer of the whole Church to believers, it has been renovated and re-painted Tver, Ostashkov and Moscow icon-painters. For the relics of St. Nilus was made gilt cancer and canopy, where they remained until July 9, 1995, when they were solemnly transferred to the newly opened Nilova deserts. In Znamensky Cathedral were left only relics of the monk.

Currently the temple is valid.

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