The ruins of the castle of Parga Photo: the Ruins of the castle of Parga

Among the attractions of Greek town of Parga special attention deserve the majestic ruins of the Venetian castle, located on top of a coastal hill. The original castle was built here by the inhabitants of Parga in the 11th century in order to protect, as there was the constant threat of attacks by pirates and other invaders. In the 13th century the castle was rebuilt and fortified by the Venetians. In the mid-15th century Parga was captured by the Turks, and part of the castle destroyed. However, much of the destruction of the castle has undergone and in the first half of the 16th century.

The last time the castle was substantially rebuilt in 1570-ies by the Venetians. This time a clearly thought out plan of defence and natural fortifications turned it into a powerful fortification, which was not explored until the early 19th century. The castle was equipped with special tanks for water, which in the case of a long siege could fully cover the needs of the inhabitants of the castle in the water. The perimeter of the castle at different levels was located eight towers complete defense. Over the main entrance and today you can see the lion of St. Mark is the main character of the Venetians. After Parga was sold to the Ottoman Empire, by decree of Ali Pasha castle was further strengthened, and on its site built a Hamam.

Today the castle of Parga is an important historical monument and a fine example of Venetian architecture. From the top of the castle walls, you can enjoy fantastic panoramic views of the city and the boundless sea. The castle is a small cozy cafe where you can relax and have a snack.

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