English Park Photo: the English Park

English Park is the first Park of Peterhof. In addition, it is the biggest Park in the city, its area is 173, 4 ha. was Founded by Catherine II the intent of the architect Giacomo Quarenghi and garden designer James Medersa. A significant portion of the Park are lakes: English pond, channel Peterhof (part), Trinity Creek, Peterhof Creek (partial) and others, including unnamed bodies of water.

The compositional center of the Park stands a picturesque pond, which stretches from North to South, with Islands and indented coastline. It was formed here under Peter the Great, when in 1720 the earthen dam was blocked Trinity stream flowing in a deep ditch to the West of the Lower Park. Then the pond was connected to Ropsha channel, and it was key to get water. Through the locks from the English pond water enters the channel of the Upper garden and in the Western part of the Grand cascade.

In 1734 the wooded area adjacent to the pond, was adapted to the menagerie, which contained wild boars for hunting. In 1770-ies of the boar's menagerie was abolished and in its place was laid out the Park in English, or landscape, style.

On the sides of the pond are the two perspectives that cut through the Park from North to South. Their third crosses road running from West to East. The laying of paths and planting trees and shrubs was carried out by gardeners J. The medersa, Winchelsea, D, Gavrilov and T. Timofeev.

The architect Quarenghi was erected in the English Park has many buildings of small size. In the Park there were 11 bridges, variously decorated or in ruins, or intentionally bordered roughly worked stones, balustrades and so on. After the death of Catherine II, Paul I, who wanted to remake everything that was made by his mother, ordered to destroy the unfinished pavilions in the Park, and the stone be directed to the construction of the Roman fountains, on a pedestal in the Whale pool in the Lower Park and so on.

During the war on the territory of the English Park was laid first line of defense Oranienbaum Piglet, and all the buildings were destroyed.

In the English Park at the end of XVIII century was built the English Palace. It architect Giacomo Quarenghi. Up to the present day remained only ruins. It was built for Catherine II as a place of solitude. It was a monumental three-storey building, located on the shore of the pond. The Central entrance was accented with a wide granite staircase leading to the first floor, and 8-millennim Corinthian portico with a triangular pediment. On the West facade there is a loggia with 6 columns. The ground floor was granite. Architectural idea and decoration of the interiors were characterized by brevity. The main role in them was played by the moulding and ornamental painting of ceilings and walls. The construction work lasted 15 years and ended in 1796, and the completion of the facade of some of the interiors applies even to the beginning of the XIX century – the years 1802-1805.

During the reign of Paul I, the Palace was converted into a barracks. Later, in the reign of Alexander I, under the direct supervision of the architect of the Palace was subjected to a serious repair. Until 1917 it was the summer place of stay of foreign guests, diplomats who came to receptions in Peterhof. It was the place of public concerts and exhibitions of paintings. In July 1885, the Palace hosted a concert of Anton Rubinstein.

After the revolution there was arranged the resort. During the war it was completely destroyed by artillery fire.

Birch house, also created Quarenghi, appeared in an English Park in the summer of 1781. Outside the log walls of the structure were covered with birch bark, the roof is covered with straw, but for unprepossessing facade hiding the lush interiors of the room, oval room and 6 small rooms with mirrors, hardwood floors and fine ornamental paintings. The birch house is the first building in Russia, where there was a crooked mirrors. In 1941-1945 the cabin burned.

Now in the English Park restoration works.

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