The Meduna Photo: Meduna

The Meduna is a fortress city in the North-East of Podgorica, near the village of Pile. Until today remained only the ruins of this once large-scale buildings. The Meduna – place, which is literally the embodiment of the history of the Montenegrin nation, tells of a proud independent character and courage of this nation. This is a real Museum under the open sky.

The fortress was built on top of a hill, which allowed to explore the area a few kilometers ahead to avoid sudden attacks of enemies. Today, these views serve as the backdrop for tourist photos.

The opinions of historians concerning the fortress agree that it was built long before the first mention of it by Titus Livy in his historical writings about the third century BC. In this period, the city was inhabited by the Illyrians and called his Meteor or Madeon. The fortress had a little different feel and appearance. The only thing that remained unchanged was her destiny. Defense against invasions of other unfriendly tribes (first from the Macedonians and the Romans, after – from the Ottoman Empire) – this is the main role of the city-fortress.

Due to the fact that the city at different times owned different tribes, each owner tried to make something of themselves in General appearance: the fortress was influenced by the Roman, Turkish and medieval views on architecture. Nevertheless, the most ancient structures remained intact: the stairs carved in the Illyrian period in the rock, leading to the Acropolis, at the top of the fortress. The walls are also built of roughly hewn stones. To Illyrian buildings also include two of the moat by the walls, preserved to our days, and cemetery. The purpose of these ditches are still clearly scientists have not been determined. There is an assumption that the ditches were not created to defend the city, and for rituals and ceremonies, which were widely used snake – that was the cult of the Illyrians.

Until the XIX century the city of Meduna was inhibited. The house and the grave of the writer and the commander Marco Milanova preserved here. It is this public figure wanted to bring together the peoples of Albania and Montenegro.

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