Lake Chapo Photo: Lake Chapo

Lake Chapo (55 sq km) is located in the province of Llanquihue, Los Lagos. This is the place to relax with beautiful scenery is located 43 km North-West from the town of Puerto Montt, in the Andes, southern Chile.

At a height of 240 m, at the foot of the volcano Calbuco (2015 m), the lake stretches for 17 km long and 5 km wide. It has a rugged form of the coast, surrounded by rich vegetation: tall evergreen oak "coigües", hazel and larch. There is also the cypress, and many varieties of ferns.

This is a good place to go fishing, as its deep and warm waters - the abundance of rainbow trout. On the shore there are beaches and secluded coves. Access to the lake Chapo is only possible on a dirt road, so tourists on the shore will meet a little. The coast is ideal for long walks on foot and by bike.

On its southern coast national Park begins the alerce Andino, on the North - national reserve Llanquihue.

Thousands of years ago, near the lake grew a forest of unique trees - fitzroya kiparisova. In Spanish the title is "аlerce", in the language of the Mapuche Indians — "lahuán" or "lahuén". It is sometimes called the Patagonian cypress. This is a very large tree is more than 50 m tall and a trunk diameter of more than 5 m. single copies live more than 3600 years. During the glacial period, the lake Chapo has increased so much that the water flooded the entire forest. Currently these trees remained very small. Now the waters of lake Chapo used for hydroelectric power, which causes changes in the lake level. In recent years the lake level went down so much that the deceased forest again became visible, or rather all that remains of those ancient trees - now they are on the coast, silent as ghosts. And once it was a mighty, impenetrable tropical forest.

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