National Park Torres del Paine Photo: national Park Torres del Paine

National Park Torres del Paine (2 420 sq km) is one of the largest and most beautiful parks in the country. He's third in attendance, about 75% of visitors are foreign tourists.

The national Park is located 112 km North of Puerto Natales and 312 km from the city of Punta arenas. Torres del Paine is one of eleven protected areas in the Magallanes and Chilean Antarctica (along with four other national parks, three national parks and three national monuments). All together, these protected areas occupy 51% of the area of the region (6 728 744 ha).

The Park was established in 1959. In 1978 UNESCO declared its annexation to the list of biosphere reserves. Park Torres del Paine is characterized by a rich fauna, flora and unique geography that makes it the perfect place for ecotourism and mountaineering, for all those who love the thrill to experience the proximity to the territory, unexplored by man.

Because of the movement of the earth's crust 12 million years ago was the formation of the dramatic snow-capped peaks of mount Paine Grande (3050 m), Los Quemas del Paine (2600, 2400, 2200 m), Torres del Paine (2250, and 2500 2460 m), Fortaleza (2800 m), Escudo (2700 m). Having been in the Park Torres del Paine, tourists definitely want to see the most spectacular glacier gray (270 sq km, a length of 28 km) it is the third largest on Earth.

The Park is laced with numerous rivers, streams, lakes, ponds, and waterfalls, which begins its journey from the glaciers of southern Patagonia and finish in the North-East of the fjord of Ultima Esperanza, washing the shores of Puerto Natales. Waterways rivers have rapid changes in altitude on the slopes, creating waterfalls and rapids. The largest rivers - PENGO, Paine, Serrano and grey. You can visit the shores of the lakes: Dixon, Toro, Sarmiento, nordenskiöld, Peoe, gray, Payne, see gorgeous waterfalls: Paine, Salto Grande, Salto Chico.

The last major study on the flora of the Park was held in 1974. This study identified four biotic zones that make up the entire area of the Park, determining the type of vegetation: mosses, deciduous forest, steppe and Andean desert. Here you can see the cypress trees, several species of beech, evergreen oak "coigues", all kinds of shrubs, herbaceous plants, lots of flowers: clover, a rich variety of orchids.

The fauna of the Park is very diverse. You can see guanacos, foxes, skunks, Andean deer, armadillos, parrots, RHEAS, condors, eagles, a variety of waterfowl ducks, coots, cernosek Swan, Kingfisher, woodpeckers, thrushes, mountain lion.

The Park is in the area of cold rainy temperate, without dry season. Weather conditions in the Park are very diverse due to the complex topography. The wettest months are March and April, during the period from July to October – almost no rain. The area is characterized by cool summers with temperatures below 16°C. the Average minimum temperature in winter -2, 5°C.

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