The Church Of The Kazan Mother Of God Photo: Church Of The Kazan Mother Of God

The Church of the Kazan Mother of God is a historical and cultural monument of the 18th century. The history of this temple has more than 240 years. The Church is located atop a picturesque hill near Holy Dormition Svyatogorsk monastery, in the old part of the village.

The name of the hill – Timofeeva mountain is directly connected with the legend of Svyatogorsk icon of the Mother of God. This tradition is reflected in Pskov Chronicles: the life of St. Timothy and in Svyatogorsk story. In 1569, during the summer, whacky Timothy shepherd, who lived in the Pskov suburb Voronich, making in the mountain cave, he spent forty days fasting and praying in the mountain. After his prayer, a miracle happened – on the next, Tit, grief was the icon of the Mother of God "Hodegetria". The phenomenon occurred in the presence of the people and priests of the Voronich. Now he's canonized, and the mountain on which prayed to the blessed Timothy, called Timofeeva. The place of appearance of the wonderworking icon, Shinichi mountain, called the Holy mountain. Here was built the Church of the monastery. Nearby on Timofeeva mountain, built by the Kazan Church and chapel of the intercession. Around the temple there is an ancient rural cemetery.

It is known that in the Kazan Church was fond of A. S. Pushkin. Next to the chapel of the intercession buried Sam Smith. She knew the poet in his lifetime, one of the few was on his burial in the Svyatogorsk monastery. Pushkin in life were keenly interested in the history of the Svyatogorsk monastery. In 1836 in the journal "Contemporary" came his laudatory review of "Dictionary of saints", where in particular it described the life of St. Timothy.

The Church of the Kazan Mother of God, and is the parish Church. It was built in 1765. In the same year he began acting and was never closed. The Church is a wooden, painted in blue color. There is a two-tiered bell tower, which offers views of the surrounding countryside. Here is stored the icon of St. Seraphim of Sarov with particles vestments and the stone on which he 1000 days and nights in prayer.

Because the temple was permanent, after closing in 1924 Svyatogorsk monastery, here were transferred to the Shrine of his temples. In the first place, it two miraculous icons of the Mother of God "Hodegetria" and "Theodore". All this time these relics were kept in the Kazan Church. Only after the opening of the Svyatogorsk monastery in 1992, they were again transferred to the monastery. Many relics from other closed during Soviet rule and was destroyed during the great Patriotic war of the temples are still in this Church. Perhaps this temple would have faced the same fate as the other temples, if not for a miraculous event which occurred in 1922. In the Church came unknown and began to blaspheme God and the image. He approached the Kazan icon of the Mother of God and thrust into her with a sharp object. He immediately fell down dead. Apparently this case has saved the temple from closing and desolation. None of the officials did not dare to issue such order. Many priests serving in the temple during the Soviet times, has suffered from repression and Communist regime.

After the Second World war it labored blessed Paraskeva and other ascetics who lived on one of the slopes Timofeeva mountains.
In the middle of the last century temple served as the ascetic, blessed Claudius (Paczkowska). She predicted about the opening of the monastery and that the then rector, father Alexander (Balych) will be there to serve. These predictions came true.

In 2000 work began on the restoration of the temple, and in 2004 for the restoration of the chapel of the intercession. Since September 2005 the Church is part of the relics of St. Luke Voyno-Yasenetsky, Archbishop of Simferopol and Crimea.

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