The Settlement Savkino Photo: The Settlement Savkino

The settlement Savkino is a small village and ancient city located on the banks of the river Sorot 1 km from the famous estate of Mikhailovskoye Pushkin. Today the town is part of the Museum-reserve of A. S. Pushkin. The settlement is named so because is situated on Savkino Mountain, which has a geometric form, as well as the correct form of the rays, which indicates that the hill was created artificially. On top of the hill leads along the mountain road, which is so typical for this kind of fortifications. From the highest point of the hill offers beautiful views of the manor, Park, meadows, and Peter lake.

Immediately beyond the river Sorot offers a wonderful view of the village called deduce, by which wiped the old road to Pskov. On the hill, or rather with his left hand, during the stay in these places Pushkin's estate was located Deriglazova that belonged to the landlords by name Shelgunova who was in friendly relations with the parents of the great poet N. About. and A. S. Pushkinyme.

According to archaeological data, the first settlement appeared here in the 9th century and lasted until the 16th century. At this time inflamed the Livonian war, and the whole area was literally devastated warriors Stefan Batory. There is an assumption that prior to the beginning of the Livonian war in this territory was located adjacent to a part of the fortifications of the city Voronich. It is believed that there in ancient times was Michael's monastery of the Settlement, hence the name.

Today it was confirmed that in the early years of this century on Savkino Grief was dilapidated chapel, which today restored. Also on top of the mountain are stone crosses, which were moved here from other places. The pedestal of one of the crosses made of granite, which stands next to the chapel, there is the inscription in the form of a date that corresponds to the modern calendar 1513. Cross, located on the pedestal is not original, and it is made of Sandstone, and then was installed in the 20th century. Another cross was placed on one of the mass graves of Russian soldiers who gave their lives on this earth, fighting against foreign invaders. It is known that the village Savkino was named in honor of the legendary and the greatest priest named Savva. The village was burned by German troops in 1944. Today in its place is the village, for the staff of the Pushkin Museum-reserve.

The area where today is located the village Savkino, wore the name Safronova wasteland and was in charge of a farmer from the village of Tamaki, located one mile from the famous Svyatogorsk monastery, closer to the side of the city of Novorzhev. Most likely, the farmer's name was Saffron, although the same name was the name of A. M. Vandammage, who was attorney Trigorskoye. It is believed that in his honor and was named the Moors that occupied the territory of 30 hectares on the Eastern side wasteland bordered a small lake Malines and its channel in the river Sorot. On the South side Safronova Heath was limited to the so-called "honey, slippery". In the old days this place was called "Crooked pine".

It is worth noting that Savkino was one of the most favorite places of Alexander Pushkin. This site has attracted the poet for its beauty and ease and also incredible charm of antiquity. Deep down, Pushkin had one wish – to purchase this piece of Paradise, which at that time was owned by small landowners by name Stalinskie.

Alexander came more than once in Savkino, mostly in the years when all his desires were directed to one goal – to leave the stifling atmosphere of the city of St. Petersburg, to break out of it at will. But the dreams of the poet was not to be fulfilled, although up to the end of his life he really wanted to settle down in this cozy, quiet and relaxing location.

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