Rakvere Castle Photo: Castle Of Rakvere

Rakvere castle is located in the eponymous town in Northern Estonia. The German name of the castle Wesenberg (Vesenberg), in Russian Chronicles Dating as Recover. It was first mentioned in history in the 13th century Ruined castle standing on the Rampart hill, whose height of 25 m.

From 1347 to 1558, the town of Rakvere owned by the Livonian order. For many years the fortress was rebuilt several times by different rulers. Most of the castle was damaged during the Polish-Swedish war (1602-1605.), lost its defensive significance. Thus, the lock was removed from the list of protective structures, because its recovery and restoration could not be fast.

In the 17th and 18th century ruins of Rakvere castle was used as a quarry, which supplied the surrounding land building material. In the 19th century with the appearance of fashion on the ruins of a hill with the ruins of Rakvere has acquired special value. The castle was a picturesque place for walks and picnics. The first work on the restoration of the castle and bring it into the order began in 1901-1902

In 1975 he began work on the restoration of the castle, which were completed by 1988

Today this fortress, you can walk independently or with a guide. In the castle managed very successfully to recreate the atmosphere of the middle ages: at the entrance you will be greeted controllers, dressed in medieval outfits, around the perimeter of the castle are all sorts of shops, where you can touch and feel, and even try your hand at some crafts.

Inside the castle you can go down to the dungeon and look into the panic room. It is divided into 3 parts. In the torture room presents various tools for cauterizing, stretching, breaking and crushing of human flesh. The next room is the crypt, which is everywhere "rotting" the dead. In the last room – hell, here constantly walking the floor shaking, heard the moans and other sounds frightening. All these rooms are furnished with appropriate lighting, which helps create the overall atmosphere.

If you are hungry, you can eat in the tavern, decorated in medieval style. Here, massive wooden tables and chairs. The menu includes traditional dishes of medieval Estonian cuisine, and modern.

In the castle there is a small exhibition describing, basically, the medieval history of the fortress. On the second floor is a hall, which presents swords from different eras. Moreover, not only you can watch or take pictures, but to hold in your hand and imagine yourself being a real knight.

This is an interesting place, it will be interesting to both adults and children. Notable is the almost the free movement of the Rakvere castle. Can much of what is presented here, to touch, to take pictures in costumes in different parts of the fortress.

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