Country estate Mikhalkov Photo: Country estate Mikhalkov "Peter"

Country estate "Peter" before the revolution, was in the possession of nobles Mikhalkov, who are the ancestors of the famous Russian cultural figures – Sergey Mikhalkov and his sons – renowned filmmakers.

For two centuries Mihalkova collected historical and artistic value in his estate. When you create your collection they didn't adhere to any particular architectural style. By the early 20th century manor house "Peter" was a veritable Museum of interest in the historical and artistic terms.

The best collection in 1910 Michalkovice were transferred to the Russian Academy of Sciences. In 1915 they donated the Rybinsk books, which formed the basis of the County library. After the nationalization of Petrovsky in the 1920-ies of all valuable objects of art and of ancient life passed in Rybinsk Museum. They are today the basis of his collection.

During the reign of Peter the First on the estate was built the Church. It also kept built during the 19th and early 20th centuries. Today in the ensemble of the estate "Petrovsky" consists of the main house; the house of a deacon, a water tower, house Manager; office-house for visitors, stables, a gatehouse, a wing for Kucherov, hospice house and the tomb.

According to one legend, the favorite of Empress Anna Ioannovna, the Duke of Biron, who was ousted in a Palace coup and sent into exile, passing by Petrovsky, decided to stay here for the night in the house Mikhalkov. He was invited to spend the night in the bath due to the absence of the hosts.

The manor is surrounded by a beautiful Park created by serfs in the mid-18th century. Park formed in a regular style with the addition of landscaped areas in accordance with common at the time, a mixed type of layout. First in front of the main manor house was a large formal garden with flower beds, arbors and trellis. In the 1820-1840, the Park was expanded to the North to poshekhonye tract, and on the East side of the house had built an artificial hill with a gazebo-rotunda. The rest of the territory was occupied by a garden and Park.

Apple orchard of two hundred Apple trees were surrounded by alleys, silver poplar, lilac, maple, dogwood, hawthorn and other ornamental trees and shrubs. In the Southeast there was a wide oak Park, artificial moat, equipped with reversible bridge, the grotto "Bear".

The pond was lined with roses, and beside it were the tables, decorated with tiles with scenes on the theme of myths and hunting. In 1920-ies with two curbstones tiles were removed and transferred to the Museum for safekeeping.

In the post-revolutionary period, the Park and the mansion passed to the state. Summer in the Park were organized mass celebrations, played with brass bands. Park "Petrovsky" in Soviet times got the name of Zavolzhsky Park of culture and rest. Today in the architectural buildings of the estate operates a cadet school.

This historic area of Rybinsk rightly bears the status of a monument of landscape art. Estate Mikhalkov "Peter" together with the Peter Park included in the sightseeing tours around the city.

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