Shiryaevo gallery Photo: Shiryaevo gallery

Shiryaevo village, situated in the national Park "Samarskaya Luka" and a world-famous Museum of the artist Ilya Repin, sources "Stone Bowl" and tourist complex "farm", has another unique attraction - the gallery.

Shiryaevo gallery, deriving from the mining of limestone, represent an entire underground city with great tunnel tubes, the height exceeding the truck. Also as in the city, here is the main "street" and many adjacent parallel "streets" leading to a depth of hundreds of meters.

High quality limestone, containing one hundred percent of calcium carbonate, was extracted in Shiryaevo in the nineteenth century at the quarries. In the early twentieth century began a large-scale development of the quarry, which was the formation of a sufficiently large "underground Kingdom". The present inhabitants of the dungeon - a rare species of bats, often frightening separated from the group of sightseers. The most interesting places are far from organized tourist routes and lead to another system of tunnels. The corridors in the tunnels far wider, much higher ceilings and stone has a different texture and color. On the walls of the gallery often comes modern cave paintings, and the output of one of the caves there is a bit of crumbled relief.

Indescribable beauty and ambiance of Shiryaevo galleries - panoramic views of the Volga river, dense hardwood forest and bright meadows of wild flowers, one word - protected areas of Samarskaya Luka.

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