Svyato-Andreevskaya deserts Photo: Svyato-Andreevskaya deserts

Near the Solovetsky monastery, or rather 5 km in the South-Western side, are two Islands, which are conventionally divided into Large and Small Hare island. The area of the Islands is 2, 5 sq km, and they are markedly different from other Islands of the Solovetsky archipelago. On these Islands there are no forests, swamps or lakes, as well as something majestic, memorable or ambitious. In these places a lot of tundra vegetation, which presents low-growing shrubs, berry bushes, dwarf trees, mosses and herbs; besides, throughout there are boulders and a scattering of stones. On Bolshoi Zayatsky island's highest point is Signal hill, which has a height of 31 meters.

The founding of St. Andrew's desert occurred in the 18th century. The erection of a new Church, consecrated in honor of one of the Holy apostles Andrew the first-called, was connected directly with a visit to the Solovetsky Islands of the great king Peter. In the summer of August 10, 1702 Marina on Bolshoi Zayatsky island landed thirteen warships. Peter was accompanied by an entourage of servants and ladies the little ship went straight to the Solovetsky monastery. On the arrival of the Emperor knew Archimandrite at the door, his and met. As soon as Peter came to the monastery, he bowed to her and the whole time they were present at the service.

According to the decree of the Great sovereign, the Bolshoi Zayatsky island, near which was located the fleet for several days there was built a small wooden chapel, which was consecrated in honor of St. Andrew the Apostle, is the patron Saint of the Russian Navy.

On the island was located not only monastic port, but also the necessary business case, which became a reliable place of refuge for all travelers. Built of large boulders harbour with a small Marina, and stone chambers were built on the island during the stay here of the Abbot of St. Philip – for 1548-1566. Before our time is well preserved stone cellar, built in the 19th century, and a small kitchen. On the coastal zones of the island was a lot different votive made of wood crosses, the elevation of which was the work of seafarers.

On this island, as in other Solovetsky Islands, Solovki was the camp. They were called "Islands of punitive mission", which inevitably died tortured prisoners.

After the Solovki monastery life was revived again in 1992, the Great Russian Patriarch Alexy II gave his blessing to the divine Liturgy in all the remaining and preserved churches and chapels of the Solovetsky monastery. In the summer of July 13, 1994, the day of the date of the Cathedral of the Twelve apostles, the first time was held the divine Liturgy in the Church of St. Andrew the Apostle, located on a Large SATCOM the island.

To date, the entire monastic brotherhood of Saint Andrew of the desert no longer live in these places. There remained not only the temple, but all the outbuildings that still require global repair work. In summer, it hosts religious services, but it is not always the case. But still every year on July 13 – the day of the Holy festival – monastics come to the island and as before hold the divine Liturgy at the Cathedral of St. Andrew. In the summer you can mingle with pilgrims, and in the temple to light a candle, but as soon as the last pilgrim left the temple, the candle must extinguish, because the temple is built of wood. From the temple, after 300 meters, you can get to a Holy spring, which is the only fresh on Bolshoi Zayatsky island. All came to this place definitely gain from a frame of Holy water.

In winter, when the whole sea is covered with thick ice, the monks comes in the St. Andrew deserts in peace and quiet to pray in a Holy place.

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