The Mansion Horoshovskogo Photo: The Mansion Horoshovskogo

The mansion P. Horoshovskogo located at the address 4th line of Vasilievsky island, the house № 9 in St. Petersburg, is one of the first buildings in the art Nouveau style, built in the city on the Neva.

Almost a hundred years, since the first half of the 18th century, the land on which the mansion of Horoshovskogo, belonged to the famous at the time, a family of merchants and priests Arystanovich, who were natives of Armenia. This is where family members Arystanovich was going to build a temple for the Armenian community. However, it so happened that it was built on Nevsky Prospekt.

In 1850 a plot of land and a wooden house on it at the family Arystanovich acquired MS Yudina, who was the daughter of privy councillor. In her house was often the composer modest Mussorgsky, who was a friendly hostess. Here he performed his works for a narrow circle of friends.

In the late 19th century estate on Vasilievsky island bought p. P. Forostovskiy. He was the owner of a freight forwarding firm that delivered a variety of goods from Finland. In 1900, p. P. Forostovskiy received a positive response from the city Council to build a new house. The project was commissioned by the architect K. K. Schmidt. Schmidt was a popular master, he is the author of the project Alexandrinsky women's refuge, the business center of fabergé on the Great Sea.

Home owner Pavel Forostovskiy not only lived in a newly built mansion, but also worked there. The basement was built taking into account the fact that there will be a warehouse. On the ground floor were offices. The second floor was occupied by the family of Horoshovskogo. Baby room Windows overlooked the garden. To them was assigned the most Sunny side. In the right wing of the house was the winter garden, one wall of which was glass. In the left wing was a wing for servants.

The layout of the building is asymmetrical. On the left side – tall tower, and the right one floor with skylight. The Central part of the building is deepened. This visually breaks the line of the facade. It seems as if the house is behind the other houses in the distance, despite the fact that his left and right he is surrounded by other buildings.

The facade is faced with brick plinth is of red granite stone. Overall, the facade is dominated by large elements that complement the visual effect of asymmetry of the house. But this does not give the mansion a hectic or chaotic appearance. The overall impression is calm, and the building seems aristocratically refined dandy, dressed in the latest fashion. The building walls are tiled sand color. Her calm animates the basement, lined with jagged granite. The variety and picturesqueness to the mansion Horoshovskogo gives lots of small details in the decoration and the house itself, and fence – casting gate and the fence stands for flags.

The mansion of the merchant P. Horoshovskogo is considered one of the best works of the architect Carl Schmidt. This building passes and "Russianness" and "spirit of Europe" and has a direct similarity with the examples of the Belgian and French art Nouveau.

After the October revolution in the mansion Horoshovskogo clubs were the Union of water and textile factories name Slutskaya and Zhelyabov, the Union of water transport workers. Before the war and after it in the building were district committees of the Komsomol and the party. Since 1960, it opened a children's hospital, and since the beginning of 90-ies has placed the management of the road patrol service.

In our time at the mansion P. Horoshovskogo is manage the construction of the ring road in St. Petersburg. It is an object of cultural heritage protected by the state.

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